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Dr. John Bradley Named to New National Biodefense Science Board

John Bradley, M.D., Infectious Disease Specialist at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego, is among seven experts from outside the federal government who will join the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), a federal advisory committee which provides expert advice and guidance on preventing, preparing for, and responding to adverse health effects of public health emergencies to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Secretary and the HHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The new members replace members whose 4-year terms expire Jan. 31.

The ASPR serves as the Secretary’s principal advisor on bioterrorism and other public health emergencies and coordinates the federal public health and medical response to disasters.

“NBSB members bring a broad range of perspectives and experiences, and over the past four years, the board has helped us improve federal policies and practices in disaster preparedness and response,” said Assistant Secretary Nicole Lurie. “I look forward to working with the new members as we forge ahead in helping communities across the country become more resilient to all hazards.”

The board was created under the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006 and chartered in May 2007. Since then, the board has provided recommendations on a variety of federal disaster preparedness and response issues. The issues include, the effectiveness of the National Disaster Medical System and federal management of the research and development medical countermeasures – the medicines, vaccines and equipment needed to protect health from bioterrorism and pandemic disease.

In addition, the board assessed the department’s progress in integrating behavioral health into emergency preparedness and response activities. HHS incorporated the NBSB recommendations in the first federal disaster behavioral health concept of operations which ASPR recently released. The board also has recommended ways to improve the nation’s ability to mobilize scientific resources quickly and comprehensively in support of public health emergency response.

By statute, the board has 13 voting members with a broad range of expertise in science, medicine, and public health. Additionally, there are non-voting members from federal and state government agencies as deemed appropriate by the Secretary.

Incoming members are as follows:

•John S. Parker, M.D., major general (retired) U.S. Army, senior vice president, Science Applications International Corporation, re-nominated to serve as NBSB chair
John S. Bradley, M.D., director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Rady Children’s Hospital
•Nelson J. Chao, M.D., M.B.A., chief, Division of Cellular Therapy/Bone Marrow Transplantation, Duke University
•Emilio A. Emini, Ph.D., chief scientific officer, Vaccine Research, Pfizer, Inc.
•Manohar R. Furtado, Ph.D., vice president, Research and Development, Life Technologies/Applied Biosystems
•Steven E. Krug, M.D., head, Division of Emergency Medicine at Children’s Memorial Hospital
•Sarah Y. Park, M.D., state epidemiologist and chief, Disease Outbreak Control Division, Hawaii Department of Health