Health Alert: San Diego County is seeing record numbers of influenza cases this season, with more severe cases & rapid illness progression — Read More

Quarter Art to be Displayed at Hospital During Miracle Mile of Quarters Event

WHAT: The Kiwanis International Division 100 will hold the annual Miracle Mile of Quarters event at Rady Children’s Hospital on Saturday, May 7. More than 250 Kiwanis members from 60 clubs in San Diego County, community groups, students, hospital employees and patients will show off their skills and design quarter art placed on red carpets in front of the Hospital. Participants will enjoy a pancake breakfast and a BBQ luncheon. In 2010, the one-day event helped raise more than $100,000 for Rady Children’s. All of the money raised from this event goes directly to support pediatric trauma prevention in San Diego County.

WHEN: Saturday, May 7 from 8 a.m. to Noon

WHERE: Rady Children’s Hospital, 3020 Children’s Way, San Diego

WHO: Kiwanians, community leaders, students, hospital patients and employees