3020 Children's Way
MC 5035
San Diego, CA 92123
Rady Children's Specialists of San Diego
Duke University School of Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine
University of Michigan Health Systems
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Pediatrics
Dr. Courtney Thornburg is the medical director of the Hemophilia and Thrombosis Treatment Center at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego and the director of the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research Program. She is also the director of the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Fellowship Program and a professor of clinical pediatrics at UC San Diego School of Medicine.
Dr. Thornburg graduated from Duke University Medical School, completed her pediatric residency at Duke University Medical Center, and completed her pediatric hematology/oncology fellowship at the University of Michigan, where she also earned a master's degree in clinical research design and statistical analysis. During her time in Michigan she focused her training on hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. From 2005-2013, Dr. Thornburg was on the faculty at Duke University, where she directed the sickle cell and hemostasis and thrombosis programs.
Dr. Thornburg is committed to taking care of children with blood disorders, including bleeding disorders, clotting disorders and inherited red blood cell disorders. She conducts clinical research to improve the care of children with blood disorders and is currently a principal investigator for multiple clinical trials and cohort studies. To educate the next generation of physicians, Dr. Thornburg teaches medical students, residents and fellows.
Dr. Thornburg is a member of the American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, the American Society of Hematology, the International Society of Haemostasis and Thrombosis and the Hemophilia and Thrombosis Research Society. At Rady Children's, she is the Section Chief for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
In addition to her career in medicine, Dr. Thornburg enjoys spending time with her family, traveling and playing tennis.
Gene Therapy in Hemophilia A: Achievements, Challenges, and Perspectives.
Bala NS, Thornburg CD
A novel gene editing lexicon strategy for the haemophilia community: Research plan for development and preliminary results.
Hermans C, Valentino LA, Thornburg CD, Unzu C, Kay MA, Peyvandi F, Smith P, Miesbach W, McKeown W, Pierce GF, Khair K, Pipe SW, Starcevic K, Pillai M, Jones M, Chiao M, Antonino I, Kessler C
Development of the World Federation of Hemophilia Shared Decision-Making Tool.
Coffin D, Skinner MW, Thornburg CD, Hayes BK, Sannié T, Kaeser GE, Chadwick J, Naccache M, Pierce GF
A Case Report of Red Blood Cell Alloimmunization and Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction in a Patient with an Uncommon Phenotype in Sickle Cell Disease: Review of Diagnosis and Management.
Wang CP, Malicki D, Thornburg CD, Martinez S, Yu JC
Secondary Anticoagulation Use in Patients < 21 Years Old following Primary Anticoagulant Treatment for Provoked Venous Thromboembolism: Findings from the Kids-DOTT Trial.
Wilson HP, Mosha M, Miller A, Betensky M, Amankwah E, Fargo J, Thornburg CD, Tarango C, Acharya S, Male C, Narang S, Schulman S, Goldenberg NA
Evaluation, analysis, and reporting of medication adherence for clinical trials of anticoagulants in children: guidance from the ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Pediatric and Neonatal Thrombosis and Hemostasis.
McGrady ME, Ignjatovic V, Jones S, Bruce A, Goldenberg NA, Rizzi M, Thornburg CD, Todd KE, Luchtman-Jones L
Clinical and treatment characteristics of infants and toddlers less than 2 years of age with hemophilia.
Han JH, Dupervil B, Mahajerin A, Kulkarni R, Manco-Johnson M, Thornburg C
How clinicians and persons with hemophilia may approach shared decision-making.
Thornburg CD, Coffin D
The benefits of gene therapy in people with haemophilia.
Thornburg CD
Social Determinants of Health and Informed Consent Comprehension for Pediatric Cancer Clinical Trials.
Aristizabal P, Nataraj S, Ma AK, Kumar NV, Perdomo BP, Martinez ME, Nodora J, Liu L, Lee E, Thornburg CD
Evaluating Gene Therapy as a Potential Paradigm Shift in Treating Severe Hemophilia.
Thornburg CD, Simmons DH, von Drygalski A
Development of a haemophilia A gene therapy shared decision-making tool for clinicians.
Limjoco J, Thornburg CD
Novel Approach to Improve the Identification of the Bleeding Phenotype in Noonan Syndrome and Related RASopathies.
Bruno L, Lenberg J, Le D, Dimmock D, Thornburg CD, Briggs B
Gene Therapy for Hemophilia A: A Mixed Methods Study of Patient Preferences and Shared Decision-Making.
Limjoco J, Thornburg CD
At the border: A call to action for health equity for children with leukemia.
Aristizabal P, Thornburg CD, Young J
Building the foundation for a community-generated national research blueprint for inherited bleeding disorders: research priorities to transform the care of people with hemophilia.
Tran DQ, Benson CC, Boice JA, Chitlur M, Dunn AL, Escobar MA, Gupta K, Johnsen JM, Jorgenson J, Martin SD, Martin S, Meeks SL, Narvaez AA Jr, Quon DV, Reding MT, Reiss UM, Savage B, Schafer K, Steiner B, Thornburg C, Volland LM, von Drygalski A
Direct oral anticoagulants in pediatric venous thromboembolism: Experience in specialized pediatric hemostasis centers in the United States.
Corrales-Medina FF, Raffini L, Recht M, Santos J, Thornburg CD, Davila J
Gene therapy preferences and informed decision-making: Results from a National Hemophilia Foundation Community Voices in research survey.
Limjoco J, Calatroni A, Aristizabal P, Thornburg CD
Consensus definition of essential, optimal, and suggested components of a pediatric sickle cell disease center.
Hulbert ML, Manwani D, Meier ER, Alvarez OA, Brown RC, Callaghan MU, Campbell AD, Coates TD, Frei-Jones MJ, Hankins JS, Heeney MM, Hsu LL, Lebensburger JD, Quinn CT, Shah N, Smith-Whitley K, Thornburg C, Kanter J
Current practices in pediatric hospital-acquired thromboembolism: Survey of the Children's Hospital Acquired Thrombosis (CHAT) Consortium.
Abrams CM, Jaffray J, Stillings A, Branchford BR, Young G, Goldenberg NA, Abajas YL, CHAT Consortium Investigators, VTE Risk Factors and Thromboprophylaxis Working Group of the Pediatric and Neonatal Thrombosis and Hemostasis Subcommittee of the ISTH SSC, Fargo J, Crary S, Kumar R, Woods G, Narang S, Cooper J, Silvey M, Garland K, Mahajerin A, Luchtman-Jones L, Torres M, Wright J, Pahl K, Armstrong K, Braunreiter C, Bakeer N, Sochet A, Hogan M, Gupta S, Knoll C, Hege K, Schaefer B, Panigrahi A, Thornburg C, Shimano K, Ahuja S, Weyand A, Boucher A, Abajas Y, Subbaswamy A, Khan O, Druzgal C, Maida D, Wheeler A, Malec L, Branchford B, Kucine NE, Prozora S
Enoxaparin Thromboprophylaxis in Children Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Phase 2 Trial.
Sochet AA, Morrison JM, Jaffray J, Godiwala N, Wilson HP, Thornburg CD, Bhat RV, Zia A, Lawrence C, Kudchadkar SR, Hamblin F, Russell CJ, Streiff MB, Spyropoulos AC, Amankwah EK, Goldenberg NA, COVID-19 Anticoagulation in Children – Thromboprophylaxis (COVAC-TP) Trial Investigators
Results of an international survey on adherence with anticoagulation in children, adolescents, and young adults: Communication from the ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Pediatric and Neonatal Thrombosis and Hemostasis.
McGrady ME, Todd K, Ignjatovic V, Jones S, Rizzi M, Luchtman-Jones L, Thornburg CD
Neonatal Myocardial Infarction: A Proposed Algorithm for Coronary Arterial Thrombus Management.
El-Sabrout H, Ganta S, Guyon P, Ratnayaka K, Vaughn G, Perry J, Kimball A, Ryan J, Thornburg CD, Tucker S, Mo J, Hegde S, Nigro J, El-Said H
Health care costs and resource utilization among commercially insured adult patients with hemophilia A managed with FVIII prophylaxis in the United States.
Thornburg CD, Adamski K, Cook K, Vembusubramanian M, Sendhil SR, Hinds D, Chen E, Sammon J, Solari P, Garrison LP Jr, Croteau SE
Prepare the Way for Hemophilia A Gene Therapy.
Thornburg CD
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