Articles In This Section
A to Z Symptom: Vomiting
Most cases of vomiting are due to viral gastroenteritis ("stomach flu") and can be managed at home with treatment to prevent dehydration.
A to Z Symptom: Vertigo
See Dizziness.
A to Z Symptom: Sore Throat
A sore throat can be caused by many things, from viral and bacterial infections to seasonal allergies and gastroesophageal reflux.
A to Z Symptom: Seizure
Seizures can be frightening, but most last only a few minutes and stop on their own.
A to Z Symptom: Rectal Bleeding
Learn about some common causes of rectal bleeding, most of which aren't serious.
A to Z Symptom: Rash
A rash is an area of irritated, bumpy, painful, or swollen skin. Most aren't harmful or dangerous.
A to Z Symptom: Nausea
Nausea (stomach upset or feeling queasy) can be caused by many things. Often, it can be managed at home with treatment to prevent dehydration.
A to Z Symptom: Malaise and Fatigue
Malaise and fatigue are common symptoms of many ailments.
A to Z Symptom: Headache
Headaches are common in kids and teens, and can have a wide range of causes. Most can be managed at home.
A to Z Symptom: Fever
A fever itself is a symptom, causes no harm, and is often the body's way of fighting infections.
A to Z Symptom: Fainting
In most cases, fainting is not a sign of a dangerous problem, but should still be discussed with a doctor.
A to Z Symptom: Dizziness
Dizziness refers to feelings of lightheadedness, imbalance, or vertigo (the sensation that one’s surroundings are spinning or moving).
A to Z Symptom: Diarrhea
Diarrhea (loose, watery, or more frequent stools) can be a symptom of many conditions, including common infections. Most cases go away in a few days with proper home care.
A to Z: Constipation
Constipation -- having fewer and harder bowel movements (poops) than usual -- is rarely due to a serious condition.
A to Z Symptom: Crying in Babies
Babies use crying to communicate, and during the first 3 months of life, they cry a lot. Knowing what to expect can help parents and caregivers manage.
A to Z Symptom: Cough
Coughing is a symptom, not a disease, and sometimes can help clear the airway.
A to Z Symptom: Chest Pain
Most causes of chest pain in kids and teens are not serious and will clear up with minimal or no treatment.
A to Z Symptom: Back Pain
Back pain is fairly common, and is often due to muscle strain or sprain. In students, wearing a heavy backpack is a common cause.
A to Z Symptom: Belly Pain
Belly pain is common and, most of the time, doesn't have a serious cause.