Articles In This Section
Your Child’s Self-Esteem
Strong self-esteem is a child's armor against the challenges of the world. Here's how to build healthy self-esteem in your kids.
When a Pet Dies
For most kids, pets are more than just animals – they're members of the family. So it can be heartbreaking to lose one. Here's how to help kids cope.
When a Loved One Dies: How to Help Your Child
When a loved one dies, children feel and show their grief in different ways. Here are some tips for parents on supporting kids through a loss.
Underage Drinking: What Can Parents Do?
Many kids and teens try alcohol during their high school and college years. But parents are important role models in this area. Here's how to set a good example.
I Love My New Baby. So, Why Am I Sad?
Find out what the experts have to say.
I’m Pregnant and in an Abusive Relationship. How Can I Get Out?
Find out what the experts have to say.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Kids and teens who live through a traumatic event can develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Healing is possible with the help of professional counseling and support from loved ones.
Preparing Your Child for a New Sibling
The arrival of a new baby can cause lots of changes. But parents can prepare kids for an addition to the family.
Relaxation Techniques for Kids With Serious Illness
Help ease your child's pain and anxiety with these exercises, complete with step-by-step instructions.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
A person with SAD typically experiences symptoms of depression as winter approaches and daylight hours become shorter.
Sibling Rivalry
As upsetting as it can be for a parent, conflict between siblings is very common. Here's how to help your kids get along.
Taking Your Child to a Therapist
Many children and teens have problems that affect how they feel, act, or learn. Going to therapy helps them cope better, feel better, and do better.
Teaching Kids About Their Bodies
Teaching kids about their bodies and what is private can help them develop healthy feelings about their bodies in age-appropriate ways.
Tips for Divorcing Parents
Every divorce - and every family - is different. But these guidelines might make the change a bit easier.
Sexual Orientation
During the teen years, sexual feelings are awakened in new ways because of the hormonal and physical changes of puberty. It takes time for many kids to understand who they are and who they're becoming. Part of that understanding includes a person's sexual feelings and attractions.
Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another person. Here are some suggestions on what to do if online bullying has become part of your child's life.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) in Kids and Teens
For teens, concerns about appearances often take center stage. But if these concerns are severe and keep them from doing and thinking about other things, it may be a sign of a condition called body dysmorphic disorder.
Childhood Depression: What Parents Need to Know
When a sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or longer and there are other changes in a child’s behavior, it might be depression. Learn the signs of depression and what parents can do to help their child.
Childhood Stress: How Parents Can Help
Stress is a normal response to changes and challenges. And life is full of those, even during childhood. Here are tips for parents on helping kids cope with normal stress and how to tell when stress is serious.
Competitive Sports: Helping Kids Play it Cool
Sometimes the pressure to succeed on the field or in the court can be overwhelming. Learn what you can do to help your child keeps things in perspective.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): How to Support Your Child’s Mental Health
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to bring uncertainty for kids and teens. Here's how to help them.
Depression in Teens: How Parents Can Help
All teens feel sad or moody at times. But when a sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or longer, and when there are other changes in how a teen acts, it could be a sign of depression. Find out what to do.
Disasters: How Families Can Help
When disasters strike, it's natural for people to want to help. Here are some ways to do that.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are common among teens and kids, especially young women. Read about the warning signs, prevention strategies, and ways to help a child with an eating disorder.
Helping Kids When They Worry
All kids worry at times, and some may do so more than others. But parents can help kids manage it and tackle everyday problems with ease. Find out how.
Your Child’s Habits
Nail biting, hair twirling, thumb sucking, and nose picking - these childhood habits are common. Here's how to deal with them.
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is a normal part of growing up, and all kids experience it. But when it becomes extreme, it can interfere with a child's overall happiness.
Answering Questions About Sex
Answering kids' questions about sex is a responsibility many parents dread. But by answering these questions honestly, parents can help foster healthy feelings about sex.
Toilet Training
Even before your child is ready to try the potty, you can prepare your little one by teaching about the process. Here are some tips.
Temper Tantrums
Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath holding. Get the facts on managing - and preventing - temper tantrums.
Teaching Your Child Self-Control
Tantrums and outbursts can rile even the most patient parents. Helping kids learn self-control teaches them how to respond to situations without just acting on impulse.
Taming Tempers
Controlling outbursts can be hard for kids - and helping them learn to do so is a tough job for their parents. But just about every child can improve with the right coaching.
Talking to Your Kids About Alcohol
As much as parents may not like to think about it, the truth is that many kids and teens try alcohol before it is legal for them to drink it. Here's an age-based guide on how to talk to them about it.
Talking to Your Child About Drugs
Help protect kids against drug use by giving them the facts before they're in a risky situation.
One of the most important goals of kids' sports is helping children develop a sense of good sportsmanship. Here's how to set a good example for your kids.
Get the facts about steroids, their side effects, and why kids and teens might try them.
Teaching Kids Not to Bully
Whether bullying is physical or verbal, if it's not stopped it can lead to more aggressive antisocial behavior - and interfere with a child's success in school and ability to form and sustain friendships.
Parenting a Child With ADHD
Parenting is as important as any other part of ADHD treatment. The way parents respond can make ADHD better (or worse). This article has parenting tips to help kids improve and do well.
Kids and Smoking
The health risks of smoking are well known, many young people still do it. Here's how to help your kids avoid smoking, vaping, or using chewing tobacco - or quit, if they've already started.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OCD causes upsetting thoughts (obsessions) and the urge to do "ritual" behaviors (compulsions). Kids and teens get stuck in a stressful cycle of these thoughts, anxiety, and rituals. OCD can get better with the right attention and care.
Helping Your Child Heal After Trauma
Kids can recover after trauma with help from therapy and extra support and comfort from parents.
Helping Teens Who Self-Harm
Cutting and other forms of self-injury among teens have become more common in recent years. Learn how to help a teen who self-harms.
Helping Kids Deal With Bullies
Unfortunately, bullying is a common part of childhood. But parents can help kids cope with it and lessen its lasting impact.
Helping Kids Cope With Cliques
With cliques prevalent in middle and high school, most kids encounter them at some point. Here's how parents can help kids maintain confidence and self-respect while dealing with cliques.
Disciplining Your Child
It's important to be consistent about discipline. If you don't stick to the rules and consequences, kids aren't likely to either. Find out how to vary your approach to fit your family.
Delayed Speech or Language Development
Knowing how speech and language develop can help you figure out if you should be concerned or if your child is right on schedule.
Cutting and Self-Harm
Some teens and even pre-teens hurt themselves on purpose. Find out why some cut or do other types of self-injury and how to help.
Compulsive Exercise
Even though exercise has many positive benefits, too much can be harmful. Teens who exercise compulsively are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.
Some young kids have the eating disorder pica, which is characterized by cravings to eat nonfood items.
Sexting: What Parents Need to Know
Sexting could haunt a teen for the rest of his or her life. Here's what parents need to know.
Parenting a Teen With ADHD
Parenting is as important as any other part of ADHD treatment. The way parents respond can make ADHD better (or worse). This article has parenting tips to help teens improve and do well.
ADHD and School
ADHD can affect a child's ability to do well in school and even make friends. This article for parents has tips on working with teachers to help your child succeed.
About Teen Suicide
When a teen commits suicide, everyone is affected. The reasons behind a suicide or attempted suicide can be complex, but often there are warning signs.
Binge Eating Disorder
Kids who eat unusually large amounts of food - and feel guilty or secretive about it - could be struggling with binge eating disorder.
There are ways to get to the bottom of your toddler's biting habit. These steps can help.
Breath-Holding Spells
Kids who have these spells hold their breath until they pass out. Although upsetting to watch, the spells are not harmful and do not pose any serious, long-term health risks.
Stress Center
All kids feel stressed at times. Learning to cope with life's ups and downs is what resilience is all about. You can help kids build their inner strength and confidence.
Childhood Fears and Worries
It's normal for children to feel afraid at times. Parents can help kids feel safe and learn to feel at ease.
Understanding Your Child’s Eating Disorder (Video)
An eating disorder affects the way people think about food and eating. This leads to behaviors that harm physical and mental health. Anyone can develop an eating disorder. Learn more in this video.
Meal Support for Eating Disorders (Video)
Help your child develop a healthier relationship with food by working with the care team and being supportive during mealtimes.
Helping Your Child During Treatment for Depression (Video)
Treatment for depression may include therapy or a combination of therapy and medicine. One widely used therapy is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety (Video)
Feeling nervous, worried, or uneasy at times is a normal part of growing up. Here's how to help your child feel more in control and deal with stress.
Is Your Child Depressed? (Video)
How can you tell the difference between everyday moodiness and depression? Learn the signs of depression and discover ways to help your child feel better.
Separation Anxiety
Toddlers with separation anxiety don't always realize that parents are only temporarily gone. Find out more about dealing with separation anxiety.
Taking Care of Your Mental Health During Pregnancy
Pregnancy brings a mix of feelings, and not all of them are good. It can be even harder if you're dealing with depression or anxiety.
Postpartum Depression
It's important for new mothers – and those who love them – to understand the symptoms of postpartum depression and reach out to family, friends, and medical professionals for help.
Many young kids go through a stage when they stutter. Stuttering usually goes away on its own but in some cases lasts longer.
ADHD is a common medical condition that can affect kids at school, at home, and in friendships. Learn more about ADHD and how to help kids get the best diagnosis and care.
ADHD Medicines
Medicine doesn’t cure ADHD. But it does help boost a child's ability to pay attention, slow down, and have more self-control. This article for parents has details on how ADHD medicines help.
Therapy for ADHD
Therapy is part of the treatment for most kids and teens diagnosed with ADHD. This article helps parents learn what to expect and how therapy works.
Soiling (Encopresis)
If your child has bowel movements in places other than the toilet, you know how frustrating it can be. Many kids who soil beyond the years of toilet teaching have a condition known as encopresis.