Serum or Plasma
RCHSD Chemistry
2 Hours
1 Hour
1-2 mL Blood
Light Green (Lithium Heparin PST)
Plasma collected in an EDTA (lavender-top) or fluoride oxalate (gray-top) tube or serum collected in a (red-top) tube is also acceptable. Do not cleanse the sample draw site with alcohol or other volatile disinfectants. Use only aqueous disinfectants.
Room Temp: 2 Days; Refrigerated: 2 Weeks; Frozen: 1 Month
1 mL Serum or Plasma
0.5 mL Serum or Plasma
Centrifuge and separate serum or plasma.
Avoid contamination and evaporation. Cap all sample cups. If a test needs to be repeated, use a freshly filled cup.