Important Update Regarding Immigration Enforcement Executive Orders | Actualización Importante sobre las Órdenes Ejecutivas de Aplicación de Inmigración — Read More

Thank You | Medical Behavioral Unit

Your Inquiry Has Been Received

Thank you for referring a patient to Rady Children’s Eating Disorders Medical Behavioral Unit. Rady Children’s will respond to your inquiry within 1 business days.

If you haven’t already, please call the on-call provider to inform them of your referral by paging them through the Rady Children’s Operator (858-576-1700) and asking to page the eating disorder physician on-call.

For non-urgent or general inquiries, you can call the eating disorder main line at 858-576-1700 ext 225368.

Additional Steps

If a patient is accepted for medical stabilization on the Medical Behavioral Unit, the family will need to speak to the psychology team regarding care. Please have them call 858-576-1700 ext. 225368 to discuss treatment.

The sending facility should initiate authorization for MEDICAL care at RCHSD. A behavioral health authorization will not NOT be accepted. Please call the case management team at 858-576-1700 ext. 223834 and request to speak to the “MBU case manager of the day.”
