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Lab Test Dictionary

Fecal Fat, Total, Quantitative (455)


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)


Lidids, Stool; Split Fats; Unesterfied Fatty Acids; Fecal Fat, Quantitative

Specimen Type

Timed Stool

Performing Lab

Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano

Epic ID


Lab Test Days


Standard TAT

1-3 Days

Collection Information

Specimen Required

3-20 gm 24 Hour, 48 Hour or 72 Hour Stool

Container Type

Timed Stool Collection Container

Collection Instructions

Patient should be on a diet including 100 grams of fat per day for 3 days prior to collection and during collection period. Send entire collection sample - Use a 1 gallon plastic, leak-proof, screw-cap container (Warehouse item #2614). Record total collection time (24, 48, or 72 hours) and weight on test requisition. If entire collection is sent to the lab, the lab will verify weight of sample. Keep refrigerated during collection. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Do not submit specimen in metal paint cans, as processing poses a safety hazard. Specimens received in paint cans will be rejected.

Processing Information - Lab Use Only

Transport Temperature

Room Temp-OK/Refrigerated-OK/Frozen-OK

Specimen Stability

Room Temp: 7Days; Refrigerated: 7 Days; Frozen: 28 Days

Rejection Criteria

Specimens received in paint cans

Test Volume Required

20 gm Stool

Minimum Test Volume

3 gm Stool

Processing Instructions

Send entire collection sample - Use a 1 gallon plastic, leak-proof, screw-cap container (Warehouse item #2614). Record total collection time (24, 48, or 72 hours) and weight on test requisition. If entire collection is sent to the lab, the lab will verify weight of sample. Keep refrigerated during collection. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Do not submit specimen in metal paint cans, as processing poses a safety hazard. Specimens received in paint cans will be rejected.

CPT Codes



