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Medical Records

Medical Records

858-966-5904 858-966-8527       Office Hours: 8 am–4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday

MyChart@RCH-finalDid you know you can request medical records by using MyChart?  Find out how. (Click “Learn More” then “How do I request copies of my medical records using MyChart?”)

For instructions en español, visit the MyChart Spanish site. (Click “Aprende Más”  then “¿Cómo solicito copias de mis registros médicos en MyChart?”)

If you are not able to request copies of your child’s medical records through MyChart, you must submit a request in writing.  Please follow the steps below:

  1. Complete and print the Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Health Information form (English/Español).  You can also call 858-966-5904 and ask that the forms be mailed to you.
  2. Mail your completed forms to:

Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego
Health Information Department – Release of Information
3020 Children’s Way, MC 5049 
San Diego, California 92123-4282

Or bring your completed forms to:

Health Information Department

5898 Copley Drive
San Diego, CA 92111

When bringing forms in person, please call the Health Information Department from the 1st floor lobby front desk to reach a team member. A team member will come downstairs to assist you during business hours.

Or Fax completed forms to: 858-966-8527

Or Email completed forms to:

Important Information

Records can be released to anyone who the patient or legal guardian authorizes (in writing) to receive such information. A valid authorization MUST contain the following information or the request will be returned:

  • Patient’s full name and date of birth. Specific information being requested (i.e., type of report/information and dates of service, etc.)
  • Purpose for which the information may be disclosed (i.e., personal use, continuity of care, legal matter)
  • To whom the information is to be sent (name and address)
  • Authorization’s expiration date if desired (otherwise, the authorization will be valid six months from date signed)
  • The patient’s signature or a patient’s legal representative’s signature
  • Date of the signature

Please note that unsigned requests will not be processed. Requests for copies of medical records of deceased patients require a copy of the death certificate or evidence of next of kin or executorship of the estate. Please make sure all areas are filled out completely and correctly. Incomplete releases will be returned for correction.

For questions related to the release of CAPs records, please call 858-966-5904.

For law firms, copy services, law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney’s Office or Child Protective Services, the physical address for the Health Information Management Department is:

Rady Children’s Business Center
5898 Copley Drive
San Diego, CA 92111

Office Hours: 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday