Serum or Plasma
Sharp Memorial Hospital Lab
24 Hours
2 Hours
1-2 mL Blood
Light Green (Lithium Heparin PST)
Serum collected in a gold serum separator tube (SST) is also acceptable. Collect just prior to next dose.
Room Temp-OK/Refrigerate-OK
Room Temp: 2 Hours; Refrigerated: 7 Days
1 mL Serum or Plasma
0.25 mL Serum or Plasma
Centrifuge and separate serum or plasma. Keep original tube in lab for possible add on test requests. ***Send ALL Theophylline to SHARP*** If ordered to be sent to Quest, cancel and reorder Other Reference Test for Theophylline to Sharp. Complete a Sharp requisition and submit with specimen room temp. Call a RUSH pick-up with TForce.