Photo of Andrew Pennock, M.D.


Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery-Hip, Orthopedic Surgery-Trauma


San Diego County

3020 Children's Way
MC 5062
San Diego, CA 92123


Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery-Hip, Orthopedic Surgery-Trauma


Rady Children's Specialists of San Diego

Medical Group / IPA


Medical School

Pritzker School of Medicine


UC San Diego


UC San Diego


The Steadman Clinic

Board Certifications

Orthopedic Surgery




Dr. Andrew Pennock is a pediatric and sports medicine surgeon at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego and an associate clinical professor at UC San Diego School of Medicine.

Graduating summa cum laude from Dartmouth College, where he was an All-American skier, Dr. Pennock went on to attend the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, where he graduated with honors and was a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society. Upon completing his orthopedic residency and an orthopedic research fellowship at UC San Diego, he completed a sports medicine fellowship at the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colo., and a pediatric orthopedic fellowship at Rady Children's.

Dr. Pennock primarily treats sports injuries in adolescents and young adults, with a special interest in knee, hip and shoulder injuries. He is also a team physician with the United States Ski Team, which he travels with on a regular basis.

Dr. Pennock continues to focus time on various research pursuits, including the developing hip as it pertains to femoroacetabular impingement and labral pathology, as well as pediatric and adolescent knee injuries.


Descriptive Epidemiology of Complete ACL Tears in the Skeletally Immature Population: A Prospective Multicenter PLUTO Study.
Christino MA, Hutchinson LE, Pennock AT, Cook DL, Anderson CN, Busch MT, Chambers HG, Cordasco FA, Edmonds EW, Fabricant PD, Ganley TJ, Green DW, Heyworth BE, Todd R Lawrence J, Matava MJ, Micheli LJ, Milewski MD, Nepple J, Parikh SN, Perkins CA, Saluan PM, Shea KG, Wall EJ, Willimon SC, Kocher MS

A Simple Clinical Predictive Model for Arthroscopic Mobility of Osteochondritis Dissecans Lesions of the Knee.
Milewski MD, Miller PE, Gossman EC, Coene RP, Tompkins MA, Anderson CN, Bauer K, Busch MT, Carey JL, Carsen S, Chambers HG, Coene RP, Edmonds EW, Ellermann J, Ellis HB Jr, Erickson J, Fabricant PD, Ganley TJ, Gossman EC, Green DW, Heyworth BE, Hoi Po Hui J, Kocher MS, Krych AJ, Latz K, Lyon RM, Mayer S, Milewski MD, Miller PE, Nelson BJ, Nepple JJ, Nguyen JC, Nissen CW, Lee Pace J, Paterno MV, Pennock AT, Perkins C, Polousky JD, Saluan P, Shea KG, Tompkins MA, Wall EJ, Weiss JM, Willimon C, Wilson P, Wright RW, Zbojniewicz A, Myer GD

Nonoperative Management of Sublime Tubercle Fractures in Adolescent Throwing Athletes: Improved Results With Cast Immobilization.
Fogleman SA, Edmonds EW, Fronek J, Leek BT, Bryan TP, Pennock AT

Nonoperative Treatment of Completely Displaced Midshaft Clavicular Fractures in Teenagers: Response.
Pennock AT

What Happens to Youth Baseball Players Diagnosed With Little League Shoulder and Little League Elbow Syndrome?
Jensen EJ, Pennock AT, Hulbert MA, Tadlock JC, Paranjape CS, Bryan TP

Changes in Fracture Shortening Occur in the First 2 Weeks Following Completely Displaced Adolescent Clavicle Fractures.
Perkins CA, Nepple JJ, Pang JH, Busch MT, Edmonds EW, Ellis HB, Kocher MS, Li Y, Pandya NK, Pennock AT, Sabatini CS, Spence DD, Willimon SC, Wilson PL, Heyworth BE

Operative Treatment of Distal Tibial Fractures in Children Managed With Epiphyseal Screws: A Comparison of Outcomes When Screws Are Retained Versus Removed Following Fracture Union.
Zimmerman R, Rupp G, Barger K, Fang W, Thomas E, Bastrom T, Pennock A, Schlechter J

Nonoperative Versus Operative Treatment of Z-Type Comminuted Clavicle Fractures in Adolescents: A Prospective Substratified Cohort Analysis.
Sabatini CS, Edmonds EW, Nepple JJ, Liotta ES, Hergott K, Quinn M, Perkins CA, Wilson PL, Li Y, Ellis HB, Pandya NK, Pennock AT, Spence DD, Willimon SC, Bae DS, Kocher MS, Busch MT, Williams DN, Heyworth BE

MRI Features That Contribute to Decision-Making for Treatment of Capitellar OCD Lesions: An Expert Consensus Using the Delphi Method.
Kostyun RO, Nguyen JC, Chhabra B, Todd R Lawrence J, Polousky JD, Saper M, Uquillas C, Nissen CW, Members of the ROCKET Group, Kostyun RO, Albright J, Bae D, Bohn D, Chan C, Crepeau A, Edmonds E, Fabricant P, Ganley T, Little K, Lee Pace J, Pacicca D, Pennock A, Saluan P, Shea K, Wall E, Wilson P, Nissen CW

Decreased Posterior Tibial Slope and Its Association With Pediatric Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury.
Vasudevan RS, Rupp GE, Zogby AM, Wilps T, Paras T, Pennock AT

Arthroscopic Shoulder Stabilization in High School Football Players.
Stambaugh JR, Bryan TP, Edmonds EW, Pennock AT

5-Year Radiographic and Functional Outcomes of Nonoperative Treatment of Completely Displaced Midshaft Clavicular Fractures in Teenagers.
Polinsky SG, Edmonds EW, Bastrom TP, Manhard CE, Heyworth BE, FACTS Study Group:, Bae DS, Busch MT, Ellis HB, Hergott K, Kocher MS, Li Y, Nepple JJ, Pandya NK, Perkins C, Sabatini CS, Spence DD, Willimon SC, Wilson PL, Pennock AT

The Creation and Validation of an Ankle Bone Age Atlas and Data Predicting Remaining Ankle Growth.
Pennock AT, Bomar JD, Pedowitz JM, Carveth SL

Knee Flexion Angle of Fixation During Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction or Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Lateral Extra-articular Reinforcement Techniques Performed in Conjunction With ACL Reconstruction.
Kolin DA, Apostolakos J, Fabricant PD, Jivanelli B, SATURN Study Group, Yen YM, Kramer DE, Kocher MS, Pennock AT, Nepple JJ, Willimon SC, Perkins CA, Ellis HB Jr, Wilson PL, McClincy M, Everett Voos J, Spence DD, Heyworth BE

An Evidence-Based Approach to Managing Adolescent (Ages 10 to 19 Years) Diaphyseal Clavicle Fractures.
Mitchell BC, Ellis H, Wilson P, Pennock AT

Change in Posterior Tibial Slope Angle After Displaced Pediatric Tibial Tubercle Fracture: A Model for Growth Modulation in the ACL-Deficient Knee.
Vasudevan RS, Zogby AM, Wilps T, Paras T, Pennock AT

Treatment of Severely Shortened or Comminuted Clavicular Fractures in Older Adolescent Athletes.
Spence DD, Wilson PL, Pennock AT, Nepple JJ, Pandya NK, Perkins CA, Li Y, Ellis HB, Sabatini CS, Edmonds EW, Willimon SC, Bae DS, Busch MT, Kocher M, FACTS Study Group, Heyworth BE

Comparison of Outcomes in Pediatric and Adolescent Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries With and Without Meniscal Tears: Operative Versus Nonoperative Management.
Rupp GE, Adrian KMV, Bomar JD, Chau J, Pennock AT, Edmonds EW

Clinical Outcomes of Adolescents With Anterior Shoulder Instability and Glenolabral Articular Disruption Lesions Compared With Isolated Bankart Lesions.
Orner CA, Bastrom TP, Pennock AT, Edmonds EW

Meniscal Ramp Lesions in Adolescent Patients Undergoing Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Response.
Edmonds EW, Hollnagel KF, Bomar JD, Pennock AT

Management of Pediatric and Adolescent Sublime Tubercle Injuries: Isolated and Complex Patterns Demonstrate Distinct Etiologies and Radiographic Outcomes.
Mitchell BC, Fogleman SA, Carroll AN, Leek BT, Edmonds EW, Fronek J, Pennock AT

Intrarater and Interrater Reliability of Radiographic Characteristics in Skeletally Immature Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears: A PLUTO Study Group Reliability Study.
Perkins CA, Coene RP, Miller PE, Anderson CN, Nunally KD, Parikh SN, Busch MT, Chambers HG, Christino MA, Cordasco FA, Edmonds EW, Fabricant PD, Ganley TJ, Green DW, Heyworth BE, Lawrence JTR, Matava MJ, Micheli LJ, Milewski MD, Nepple J, Pennock AT, Saluan PM, Shea KG, Wall EJ, Willimon SC, Kocher MS, PLUTO Study Group

Assessment of Thresholds for Clinically Relevant Change in the Pediatric/Adolescent Shoulder Survey After Shoulder Instability Surgery: Factors Associated With Meaningful Improvement in Outcomes.
Wallis-Lang K, Bastrom TP, Boutelle KE, Wagle A, Pennock AT, Edmonds EW

Allograft Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescent Patients May Result in Acceptable Graft Failure Rate in Nonpivoting Sports Athletes.
Vasudevan RS, Paras T, Zogby AM, Wilps T, Bastrom TP, Bomar JD, Manhard CE, Pennock AT

Factors Associated With Meniscal and Articular Cartilage Injury in the PLUTO Cohort.
Matava MJ, Gibian JT, Hutchinson LE, Miller PE, Milewski MD, Pennock AT, PLUTO Study Group, Kocher MS

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