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Center for Healthier Communities

Director: Mary Beth Moran, PT, M.Ed., M.S.

The Center for Healthier Communities (CHC) is your community resource for keeping your children healthy and safe. By partnering with organizations throughout our region, we offer an array of innovative programs and services, including Maternal and Child Health, Oral Health, Youth Development, Injury Prevention, and Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyles.

photo of teensThe Role of Center for Healthier Communities is to:

  • Analyze child health issues and key health indicators
  • Integrate Rady Children’s Hospital care redesign/population health efforts with community initiatives and resources
  • Convene organizations and individuals to collaborate on strategic initiatives
  • Develop, launch and test innovative prevention strategies that address social determinants of health
  • Advocate for related policy and environmental changes
  • Leverage assets from private and public sectors

The Center for Healthier Communities works to analyze preventive child health issues and utilize best practice strategies to launch innovative prevention-oriented initiatives. These initiatives address health disparities and integrate Rady Children’s clinical care with community partners and resources to create healthier communities. The diagram below depicts the role of CHC as an integrator.

CHC Integrator Chart

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