3020 Children's Way
MC 5075
San Diego, CA 92123
Emergency Medicine/Urgent Care
Rady Children's Specialists of San Diego
New York University School of Medicine
University of CA at San Francisco School of Med
University of CA San Francisco/Pediatric Residency
Childrens Hospital - Los Angeles
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics
Dr. John Kanegaye is an attending physician at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego's Emergency Care Center and a clinical professor in the Department of Pediatrics at UC San Diego.
Dr. Kanegaye received his undergraduate degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry from Yale University then attended the New York University School of Medicine. He completed his pediatrics residency at UC San Francisco and his pediatric emergency fellowship at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
He is the research director of the Emergency Department. His research interests include the differentiation of Kawasaki disease from other febrile illnesses as well as infectious diseases, wound management and ultrasonography for emergency procedures.
In his spare time, Dr. Kanegaye enjoys photography and spending time with his family.
Diagnosis of childhood febrile illness using a multi-class blood RNA molecular signature.
Habgood-Coote D, Wilson C, Shimizu C, Barendregt AM, Philipsen R, Galassini R, Calle IR, Workman L, Agyeman PKA, Ferwerda G, Anderson ST, van den Berg JM, Emonts M, Carrol ED, Fink CG, de Groot R, Hibberd ML, Kanegaye J, Nicol MP, Paulus S, Pollard AJ, Salas A, Secka F, Schlapbach LJ, Tremoulet AH, Walther M, Zenz W, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group (PEMKDRG), UK Kawasaki Genetics consortium, GENDRES consortium, EUCLIDS consortium, PERFORM consortium, Van der Flier M, Zar HJ, Kuijpers T, Burns JC, Martinón-Torres F, Wright VJ, Coin LJM, Cunnington AJ, Herberg JA, Levin M, Kaforou M
A Deep Learning Framework for Image-Based Screening of Kawasaki Disease.
Lam JY, Kanegaye JT, Xu E, Gardiner MA, Burns JC, Nemati S, Tremoulet AH
Predictive Factors for Delayed Surgical Intervention in Children With Epidural Hematomas.
Abe N, Gardiner M, Dory C, Gonda D, Harvey H, Hilfiker M, Hollenbach K, Kanegaye JT
Implementation of KIDMATCH: A Clinical Decision Support Tool for Diagnosing Pediatric Patients with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome and Kawasaki Disease.
Lam JY, Richardson A, Kanegaye JT, Tremoulet AH, Shimizu C, Stadnick NA, Burns JC, Nemati S, Gardiner MA
Single center blind testing of a US multi-center validated diagnostic algorithm for Kawasaki disease in Taiwan.
Kuo HC, Hao S, Jin B, Chou CJ, Han Z, Chang LS, Huang YH, Hwa K, Whitin JC, Sylvester KG, Reddy CD, Chubb H, Ceresnak SR, Kanegaye JT, Tremoulet AH, Burns JC, McElhinney D, Cohen HJ, Ling XB
A machine-learning algorithm for diagnosis of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and Kawasaki disease in the USA: a retrospective model development and validation study.
Lam JY, Shimizu C, Tremoulet AH, Bainto E, Roberts SC, Sivilay N, Gardiner MA, Kanegaye JT, Hogan AH, Salazar JC, Mohandas S, Szmuszkovicz JR, Mahanta S, Dionne A, Newburger JW, Ansusinha E, DeBiasi RL, Hao S, Ling XB, Cohen HJ, Nemati S, Burns JC, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group, CHARMS Study Group
Publisher Correction: An Artificial Intelligence-guided signature reveals the shared host immune response in MIS-C and Kawasaki disease.
Ghosh P, Katkar GD, Shimizu C, Kim J, Khandelwal S, Tremoulet AH, Kanegaye JT, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group, Bocchini J, Das S, Burns JC, Sahoo D
An Artificial Intelligence-guided signature reveals the shared host immune response in MIS-C and Kawasaki disease.
Ghosh P, Katkar GD, Shimizu C, Kim J, Khandelwal S, Tremoulet AH, Kanegaye JT, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group, Bocchini J, Das S, Burns JC, Sahoo D
Autoantibodies Against Proteins Previously Associated With Autoimmunity in Adult and Pediatric Patients With COVID-19 and Children With MIS-C.
Burbelo PD, Castagnoli R, Shimizu C, Delmonte OM, Dobbs K, Discepolo V, Lo Vecchio A, Guarino A, Licciardi F, Ramenghi U, Rey-Jurado E, Vial C, Marseglia GL, Licari A, Montagna D, Rossi C, Montealegre Sanchez GA, Barron K, Warner BM, Chiorini JA, Espinosa Y, Noguera L, Dropulic L, Truong M, Gerstbacher D, Mató S, Kanegaye J, Tremoulet AH, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Group, Eisenstein EM, Su HC, Imberti L, Poli MC, Burns JC, Notarangelo LD, Cohen JI
Emergence of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Pathogens in Community-Acquired Urinary Tract Infections Among Infants at a Pediatric Emergency Department.
Tamas V, Shah S, Hollenbach KA, Kanegaye JT
Multicenter Validation of a Machine Learning Algorithm for Diagnosing Pediatric Patients with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome and Kawasaki Disease.
Lam JY, Roberts SC, Shimizu C, Bainto E, Sivilay N, Tremoulet AH, Gardiner MA, Kanegaye JT, Hogan AH, Salazar JC, Mohandas S, Szmuszkovicz JR, Mahanta S, Dionne A, Newburger JW, Ansusinha E, DeBiasi RL, Hao S, Ling XB, Cohen HJ, Nemati S, Burns JC, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group, CHARMS Study Group
Toddler with passage of tissue per rectum.
Nichols F, Castano D, Tucker S, Kanegaye J
Seated Position Does Not Change Lumbar Dimensions Compared With Lateral Position.
Long MT, Del Re AM, Uya A, Kanegaye JT, Nguyen MB
Immune response to intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with Kawasaki disease and MIS-C.
Zhu YP, Shamie I, Lee JC, Nowell CJ, Peng W, Angulo S, Le LN, Liu Y, Miao H, Xiong H, Pena CJ, Moreno E, Griffis E, Labou SG, Franco A, Broderick L, Hoffman HM, Shimizu C, Lewis NE, Kanegaye JT, Tremoulet AH, Burns JC, Croker BA, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group Consortium
An AI-guided signature reveals the nature of the shared proximal pathways of host immune response in MIS-C and Kawasaki disease.
Sahoo D, Katkar GD, Shimizu C, Kim J, Khandelwal S, Tremoulet AH, Kanegaye J, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group, Bocchini J, Das S, Burns JC, Ghosh P
Tablet Computer as a Distraction Tool During Facial Laceration Repair: A Randomized Trial.
Bryl AW, Bonsu B, Johnson AL, Pommert KBJ, Hollenbach KA, Kanegaye JT
High-Throughput Screening of Kawasaki Disease Sera for Antiviral Antibodies.
Quiat D, Kula T, Shimizu C, Kanegaye JT, Tremoulet AH, Pitkowsky Z, Son M, Newburger JW, Elledge SJ, Burns JC
Multicentre validation of a computer-based tool for differentiation of acute Kawasaki disease from clinically similar febrile illnesses.
Hao S, Ling XB, Kanegaye JT, Bainto E, Dominguez SR, Heizer H, Jone PN, Anderson MS, Jaggi P, Baker A, Son MB, Newburger JW, Ashouri N, McElhinney DB, Burns JC, Whitin JC, Cohen HJ, Tremoulet AH, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group
Predicting Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and Renal Replacement Therapy in Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli-infected Children.
McKee RS, Schnadower D, Tarr PI, Xie J, Finkelstein Y, Desai N, Lane RD, Bergmann KR, Kaplan RL, Hariharan S, Cruz AT, Cohen DM, Dixon A, Ramgopal S, Rominger A, Powell EC, Kilgar J, Michelson KA, Beer D, Bitzan M, Pruitt CM, Yen K, Meckler GD, Plint AC, Bradin S, Abramo TJ, Gouin S, Kam AJ, Schuh A, Balamuth F, Hunley TE, Kanegaye JT, Jones NE, Avva U, Porter R, Fein DM, Louie JP, Freedman SB, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Collaborative Research Committee and Pediatric Emergency Research Canada
Correspondence: Comparison of pediatric post-reduction fluoroscopic- and ultrasound forearm fracture images.
Auten JD, Hurst ND, Kanegaye JT
Bilateral tibial tubercle avulsion fractures: A pediatric orthopedic injury at high risk for compartment syndrome.
Yue I, Hurst N, Peterson JB, Kanegaye JT, Auten JD
Comparison of pediatric post-reduction fluoroscopic- and ultrasound forearm fracture images.
Auten JD, Naheedy JH, Hurst ND, Pennock AT, Hollenbach KA, Kanegaye JT
Kawasaki Disease Outcomes and Response to Therapy in a Multiethnic Community: A 10-Year Experience.
Skochko SM, Jain S, Sun X, Sivilay N, Kanegaye JT, Pancheri J, Shimizu C, Sheets R, Tremoulet AH, Burns JC
Diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease Using a Minimal Whole-Blood Gene Expression Signature.
Wright VJ, Herberg JA, Kaforou M, Shimizu C, Eleftherohorinou H, Shailes H, Barendregt AM, Menikou S, Gormley S, Berk M, Hoang LT, Tremoulet AH, Kanegaye JT, Coin LJM, Glodé MP, Hibberd M, Kuijpers TW, Hoggart CJ, Burns JC, Levin M, Immunopathology of Respiratory, Inflammatory and Infectious Disease Study (IRIS) Consortium and the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group (PEMKDRG)
Unique Molecular Patterns Uncovered in Kawasaki Disease Patients with Elevated Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Levels: Implications for Intravenous Immunoglobulin Responsiveness.
Wang Y, Li Z, Hu G, Hao S, Deng X, Huang M, Ren M, Jiang X, Kanegaye JT, Ha KS, Lee J, Li X, Jiang X, Yu Y, Tremoulet AH, Burns JC, Whitin JC, Shin AY, Sylvester KG, McElhinney DB, Cohen HJ, Ling XB, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Kawasaki Disease Research Group
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