3020 Children's Way
MC 5064
San Diego, CA 92123
Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego
Osmania University and Medical College, Osmania University and Medical College
Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
UC San Diego
Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Pediatrics
Dr. Manaswitha Khare is a pediatric hospitalist at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego and an associate physician at UC San Diego School of Medicine.
Dr. Khare completed her medical studies at Osmania Medical College in India. She then received clinical research certification at UC Irvine, where she served as a clinical research fellow, before completing her pediatric residency at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai/Elmhurst Hospital. She then completed her pediatric hospital medicine fellowship at UC San Diego in the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine.
Dr. Khare is a member of the American Academy of Pediarics, AAP Section of Hospital Medicine, and the Academic Pediatric Association.
Dr. Khare is an accomplished researcher and statistician who has authored numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals, as well as book chapters and multiple oral and poster presentations. In 2011, she was awarded a prestigious NIH/NICHD Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network Training Grant Award that looked at exploring novel therapies for Prader-Willi syndrome. She has a special interest in the field of childhood obesity. Her current work is focused on the pharmacokinetics of commonly prescribed medications in children with obesity.
Characteristics and Resource Utilization of Hospitalized Children With Somatic Symptoms.
Roelf K, Khare M, Rungvivatjarus T, Mannino Avila E, Lenzen C, Patel A, Fisher ES, Camera M
Enhancing Asthma Pharmacogenetics Through Subtype-Specific Associations.
Piparia S, Hecker J, Srivastava U, Sharma R, Khare M, Kho A, Weiss ST, McGeachie M, Tantisira K
Relationship of thyroid function with genetic subtypes and treatment with growth hormone in Prader-Willi syndrome.
Schmok T, Surampalli A, Khare M, Zandihaghighi S, Baghbaninogourani R, Patolia B, Gold JA, Naidu A, Cassidy SB, Kimonis VE
Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents.
Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Kleinman LC, Snowden JN, Rosenzweig EB, Milner JD, Tantisira KG, Rhee KE, Jernigan TL, Kinser PA, Salisbury AL, Warburton D, Mohandas S, Wood JC, Newburger JW, Truong DT, Flaherman VJ, Metz TD, Karlson EW, Chibnik LB, Pant DB, Krishnamoorthy A, Gallagher R, Lamendola-Essel MF, Hasson DC, Katz SD, Yin S, Dreyer BP, Carmilani M, Coombs K, Fitzgerald ML, Güthe N, Hornig M, Letts RJ, Peddie AK, Taylor BD, Balaraman V, Bogie A, Bukulmez H, Dozor AJ, Eckrich D, Elliott AJ, Evans DN, Farkas JS, Faustino EVS, Fischer L, Gaur S, Harahsheh AS, Hasan UN, Hsia DS, Huerta-Montañez G, Hummel KD, Kadish MP, Kaelber DC, Krishnan S, Kosut JS, Larrabee J, Lim PPC, Michelow IC, Oliveira CR, Raissy H, Rosario-Pabon Z, Ross JL, Sato AI, Stevenson MD, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ, Weakley KE, Zimmerman E, Bind MC, Chan J, Guan Z, Morse RE, Reeder HT, Akshoomoff N, Aschner JL, Bhattacharjee R, Cottrell LA, Cowan K, D'Sa VA, Fiks AG, Gennaro ML, Irby K, Khare M, Guttierrez JL, McCulloh RJ, Narang S, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan S, Palumbo P, Ryu J, Salazar JC, Selvarangan R, Stein CR, Werzberger A, Zempsky WT, Aupperle R, Baker FC, Banich MT, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bjork JM, Bookheimer SY, Brown SA, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Dale AM, Dapretto M, Ernst TM, Fair DA, Feldstein Ewing SW, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Friedman NP, Garavan H, Gee DG, Gonzalez R, Gray KM, Heitzeg MM, Herting MM, Jacobus J, Laird AR, Larson CL, Lisdahl KM, Luciana M, Luna B, Madden PAF, McGlade EC, Müller-Oehring EM, Nagel BJ, Neale MC, Paulus MP, Potter AS, Renshaw PF, Sowell ER, Squeglia LM, Tapert S, Uddin LQ, Wilson S, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Foulkes AS, Stockwell MS, RECOVER-Pediatrics Consortium, RECOVER-Pediatrics Group Authors
Training pediatric physicians and staff to obtain data from the electronic health record.
Rungvivatjarus T, Chong AZ, Patel A, Khare M, Bialostozky M, Kuelbs CL
Obesity and Outcomes of Kawasaki Disease and COVID-19-Related Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.
Khoury M, Harahsheh AS, Raghuveer G, Dahdah N, Lee S, Fabi M, Selamet Tierney ES, Portman MA, Choueiter NF, Elias M, Thacker D, Dallaire F, Orr WB, Harris TH, Norozi K, Truong DT, Khare M, Szmuszkovicz JR, Pagano JJ, Manlhiot C, Farid P, McCrindle BW, International Kawasaki Disease Registry
Pharmacogenetics of childhood uncontrolled asthma.
Khare M, Piparia S, Tantisira KG
SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.
McCrindle BW, Harahsheh AS, Handoko R, Raghuveer G, Portman MA, Khoury M, Newburger JW, Lee S, Jain SS, Khare M, Dahdah N, Manlhiot C, International Kawasaki Disease Registry
Geographic Variation in Acute Pediatric Mental Health Utilization.
Winckler B, Nguyen M, Khare M, Patel A, Crandal B, Jenkins W, Fisher E, Rhee KE
A Multicenter Retrospective Study of Vancomycin Dosing by Weight Measures in Children.
Khare M, Haag MB, Kneese G, Austin JP, Perlman J, Azim A, Orsi C, Foster BA
Takayasu's Arteritis in a Patient With Preexisting Autoimmune Disease.
Holton-Burke R, Laurenzano S, Phillips S, Stover LB, Radhakrishna S, Khare M
Vancomycin Dosing in Children With Overweight or Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Khare M, Azim A, Kneese G, Haag M, Weinstein K, Rhee KE, Foster BA
Impact of genetic subtypes of Prader-Willi syndrome with growth hormone therapy on intelligence and body mass index.
Butler MG, Matthews NA, Patel N, Surampalli A, Gold JA, Khare M, Thompson T, Cassidy SB, Kimonis VE
Psychological Impact of Predictive Genetic Testing in VCP Inclusion Body Myopathy, Paget Disease of Bone and Frontotemporal Dementia.
Surampalli A, Khare M, Kubrussi G, Wencel M, Tanaja J, Donkervoort S, Osann K, Simon M, Wallace D, Smith C, M McInerney-Leo A, Kimonis V
A case report comparing clinical, imaging and neuropsychological assessment findings in twins discordant for the VCP p.R155C mutation.
Surampalli A, Gold BT, Smith C, Castellani RJ, Khare M, Yu H, Nguyen C, Lan M, Wencel M, Wigal S, Caiozzo V, Kimonis V
Early-onset Alzheimers and cortical vision impairment in a woman with valosin-containing protein disease associated with 2 APOE ε4/APOE ε4 genotype.
Shamirian S, Nalbandian A, Khare M, Castellani R, Kim R, Kimonis VE
Effect of genetic subtypes and growth hormone treatment on bone mineral density in Prader-Willi syndrome.
Khare M, Gold JA, Wencel M, Billimek J, Surampalli A, Duarte B, Pontello A, Galassetti P, Cassidy S, Kimonis VE
Cytokine profiling in patients with VCP-associated disease.
Dec E, Rana P, Katheria V, Dec R, Khare M, Nalbandian A, Leu SY, Radom-Aizik S, Llewellyn K, BenMohamed L, Zaldivar F, Kimonis V
Frequency of Prader-Willi syndrome in births conceived via assisted reproductive technology.
Gold JA, Ruth C, Osann K, Flodman P, McManus B, Lee HS, Donkervoort S, Khare M, Roof E, Dykens E, Miller JL, Driscoll DJ, Butler MG, Heinemann J, Cassidy S, Kimonis VE
Valosin-containing protein mutation and Parkinson's disease.
Chan N, Le C, Shieh P, Mozaffar T, Khare M, Bronstein J, Kimonis V
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