AFB; Acid Fast Bacili; Mycobacteria; Mycobacterial; Mycobacterium; MTB; TB; AFB Susceptibility; AFB Susceptibilities
Culture Isolate
Quest forwards to National Jewish (TSO)
Other Reference Test
4 Weeks
Slant or 2 mL of a broth culture
Agar Slant
Mixed cultures or non-viable organisms; Organisms on a Petri dish
Indicate original culture specimen ID, source, organism ID and drug in comment, on specimen and on batch sheet. Requires TSO form and completed NJH Mycobacteriology requisition submitted with specimen.
Rifampin/Ethambutal Combo for Slowly Growing Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria.
National Jewish test code: NTM10. Requires TSO form and completed NJH Mycobacteriology requisition.
87181, 87186 (x2)