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Lab Test Dictionary

BCR/ABL1, p210, mRNA Detection, RT-PCR, Quantitative, Monitoring CML (BCRAB)


Quatitative Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) using GeneXpert (Cepheid)


Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML); CML RT-PCR; Philadelphia Chromosome Ph1 Bone Marrow/Blood; BCR/ABL

Specimen Type

Whole Blood or Bone Marrow

Performing Lab

Mayo Medical Lab

Epic ID


Lab Test Days


Standard TAT

5-6 Days

Collection Information

Specimen Required

1-4 mL Whole Blood or 1-3 mL Bone Marrow

Container Type

Lavender (EDTA)

Collection Instructions

Whole blood or bone marrow collected in an ACD (yellow-top) tube is also acceptable. Collect Monday-Thursday before 1300 ONLY, no weekend or holidays. Pertinent clinical history including if the patient has a diagnosis of chronic myelogenous leukemia or other bcrlabl-positive neoplasma. Physician must complete the Mayo Hematopathology Patient Info form and submit with specimen to lab.

Processing Information - Lab Use Only

Transport Temperature


Specimen Stability

Room Temp: 72 Hours; Refrigerated: 72 Hours; Frozen: Unacceptable

Rejection Criteria

Gross hemolysis

Test Volume Required

4 mL Whole Blood or 3 mL Bone Marrow

Minimum Test Volume

1-4 mL Whole Blood or Bone Marrow

Processing Instructions

Indicate source in comments and on specimen. Pertinent clinical history including if the patient has a diagnosis of chronic myelogenous leukemia or other bcrlabl-positive neoplasma. Submit completed Mayo Hematopathology Patient Info form with specimen room temp.


Insurance authorization required prior to draw for outpatients. Ok to send on inpatients.

CPT Codes



