Serum and Plasma
University of Iowa
Other Reference Test
4 Weeks
4-8 mL Blood collected in a (red-top) tube ***and*** 4-8 mL Blood collected in an EDTA (lavender-top) tube
See Below
Thawed specimens
4 mL Serum ***and*** 4 mL Plasma
2 mL Serum ***and*** 2 mL Plasma
Submit completed Univ of Iowa Kidney Testing requisition with specimen frozen Monday-Wednesday only. Hold sample at optimal stability until sample can be shipped.
Fluid Phase Activity Assay (IFE), FB, autoantibody, FH autoantibody, C3Nef (C3CSA), C5Nef (C3CSAP), C4Nef C3, C3c, C4, FB, Ba, Bb, CS, FD, Properdin levels, Soluble C5b-9 (sMAC), FI and FH levels CH50, APFA, C3b Deposition Assay
Ok to send on Outpatients and Inpatients.
83516 (x2), 83520, 86160 (x11), 86161 (x5), 86162, 86235 (x3), 86334