Code Blue, Code Panel, Code
See Collection Instructions
RCHSD Laboratory
Same Day
1 Hour
(1) Light-Blue-Top- 1.8mL or 2.7mL, (1) Light Green PST- 3mL, (2)Lavender Tops (1 DOUBLE INITIALED FOR BLOOD BANK) 2-3mL each, (1) Heparinized Blood Gas Syringe- 1mL
See Below
(1) Light-Blue-Top- 1.8mL or 2.7mL, (1) Light Green PST- 3mL, (2)Lavender Tops (1 DOUBLE INITIALED FOR BLOOD BANK) 2-3mL each, (1) Heparinized Blood Gas Syringe- 1mL (SEND BLOOD GAS ON ICE IF POSSIBLE). Specimen for blood bank must include double initial, patient's gender, age, and date/time of collection.
CBC with Differential, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), Magnesium, Phosphorus, Coag Panel, Type and Screen, and Venous Blood Gas Panel