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Lab Test Dictionary

Creatinine Clearance

Specimen Type

Urine, Timed Collection

Performing Lab

RCHSD Chemistry

Epic ID


Lab Test Days

As received

Standard TAT

3 hrs

Stat TAT

1 hr

Collection Information

Specimen Required

24 hr or timed urine collection

Container Type

24-Hour Urine Container

Collection Instructions

Note duration of collection, patient's height & weight on req. Plasma or serum creatinine must be obtained during the urine collection period. (NOTE: A plasma or serum creatinine that is drawn up to 24 hours after the end of the collection period is acceptable.)

Processing Information - Lab Use Only

Test Volume Required

5.0 ml aliquot of timed urine specimen

Minimum Test Volume

0.5 ml aliquot of timed urine specimen

Processing Instructions

Centrifuge & aliquot supernatant. Save up to 50 mls of specimen for possible add-on tests. Write "URINE" on specimen label. *NOTE - The presence of boric acid preservative (for other 24-hr urine tests) Does not interfere with test.

CPT Codes