Urine, Timed Collection
RCHSD Chemistry
As received
3 hrs
1 hr
24 hr or timed urine collection
24-Hour Urine Container
Note duration of collection, patient's height & weight on req. Plasma or serum creatinine must be obtained during the urine collection period. (NOTE: A plasma or serum creatinine that is drawn up to 24 hours after the end of the collection period is acceptable.)
5.0 ml aliquot of timed urine specimen
0.5 ml aliquot of timed urine specimen
Centrifuge & aliquot supernatant. Save up to 50 mls of specimen for possible add-on tests. Write "URINE" on specimen label. *NOTE - The presence of boric acid preservative (for other 24-hr urine tests) Does not interfere with test.