Whole Blood
San Diego Blood Bank
Other Reference Test
Mon-Fri 0600-2200
24 Hours
10 mL Whole Blood
Lavender (EDTA)
Must call RCHSD Blood Bank BEFORE placing the order. Patient must have a 1 hour post transfusion platelet count completed after 2 consecutive transfusions with ABO identical platelets and a post transfusion platelet count increment of <10,000/µL.
14 Days
Gross hemolysis, inadequate specimen
10 mL Whole Blood
3 mL Whole Blood
Give specimen(s) to blood bank for pick up from SDBB courier.
Must know the amount/volume of platelets to transfuse per day. Only ABO compatible platelets may be crossmatched which may limit the number of units available for testing and may result in the need for a Waiver from Standard Protocol be signed by the ordering physician for ABO incompatible bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients requiring a specific blood type. The plateletpheresis unit(s) will be shipped to RCHSD Blood Bank only after all testing, including required donation testing, is