Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
FISH, ALL, t(1;19)
Whole Blood or Bone Marrow
Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano
7-8 Days
3 mL
Dark Green (Sodium Heparin)
Collect Bone Marrow or whole blood collected in a sodium heparin (dark green-top), sodium heparin (dark blue-top), or sodium heparin (tan-top) tube. Bone marrow collected in transport medium is also acceptable. 5mmx5mm tumor biopsy in transport medium is also acceptable. Clinical history/reason for referral is required with test order. Prior therapy and transplant history should be provided with test order. Specimen viability decreases during transit. Send specimne to testing lab for viability determination. Do not reject.
3 mL
1 mL
Enter clinical info under specimen number before batching. If diagnosis is not provided, print and send clinical history with specimen. Indicate specimen type comments as well.
88271 (x2), 88275, 88291