Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Whole Blood or Bone Marrow
Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano
5-7 Days
3-5 mL Whole Blood or 1-3 mL Bone Marrow
Dark Green (Sodium Heparin)
5x5 mm fresh tissue collected in culture transport media or sterile container with Hank's or Ringers solution, or Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue is also acceptable.
5 mL Whole Blood or 3 mL Bone Marrow
3 mL Whole Blood or 1 mL Bone Marrow
Indicate specimen source in comments,on specimen and on batch sheet. ALL specimens for this test need to be packaged and submitted to Quest in a Hematopathology Specimen Transport box.
Insurance authorization is required prior to draw for Outpatient. Ok to send on Inpatients.
88275, 88271 (x3)