RCHSD Chemistry
As Received
1 Hour
1 Hour
1 mL Blood
Light Green (Lithium Heparin PST)
Plasma collected in a potassium oxalate/sodium fluoride (gray-top) tube at least half full is also acceptable. Place tube on wet ice and deliver to lab immediately after collection. Lactic Acid levels increase as the specimen sits on cells before centrifuging and separating plasma. Avoid capillary draws (fingerstick or heelstick) unless extreme circumstances as these collection techniques increases potential for hemolysis. Lactic Acid levels increase with hemolysis. Satellite locations must send patient to RCHSD for draw. Patients should not clench and unclench hands before or during phlebotomy. Ideally, a tourniquet should not be used. If a tourniquet is used but the draw is unsuccessful, remove the tourniquet and allow two minutes to elapse before trying again. Transport sample on wet ice if possible. Avoid hemolysis.
Room Temp: <15 minutes; Refrigerated: 3 Days; Frozen=3 Days
0.5 mL Plasma
0.3 mL Plasma
Centrifuge the specimen within 15 minutes of collection and immediately remove the plasma from the red blood cells. Lactic Acid levels increase as the specimen sits on cells before centrifuging and separating plasma. Specimen should be free of bubbles. Remove bubbles with an applicator stick before analysis. Use a new applicator stick for each specimen to prevent cross-contamination. Deliver plasma directly to Chemistry as soon as possible. Communicate specimen arrival to CLS/MLT.