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Lab Test Dictionary

Lipoprotein Fractionation, Ultracentrifugation (36435X)


Ultracentrifugation; Colorimetric; Enzymatic

Specimen Type


Performing Lab

Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano

Epic ID

Other Reference Test

Lab Test Days

Tuesday and Friday

Standard TAT

2-4 Days

Collection Information

Specimen Required

4-8 mL Blood

Container Type

Red Top (No Additive)

Collection Instructions

Patient Preparation: The assay manufacturer, Roche, notes that N-acetylcysteine, when administered in high concentrations (such as for treatment of acetaminophen overdose), can interfere with their assay for HDL cholesterol, leading to falsely low results. The assay manufacturer Beckman Coulter advises: "N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), when administered in therapeutic concentrations (for the treatment of acetaminophen overdose), has been...determined to interfere with assays for...Cholesterol, Uric Acid" where "NAC interference may lead to falsely low results." According to Beckman Coulter, the NAC interference should be insignificant by 12 hours after completion of the initial loading dose of an IV infusion treatment regimen consisting of an initial loading dose of 150 mg/kg administered over 1 hour, a second dose of 50 mg/kg administered over 4 hours and a third dose of 100 mg/kg administered over 16 hrs. Fasting for at least 12 hours is required.

Processing Information - Lab Use Only

Transport Temperature


Specimen Stability

Room Temp: 24 Hours; Refrigerated: 7 Days; Frozen: 1 Year

Test Volume Required

4 mL Serum

Minimum Test Volume

2 mL Serum

Included Tests

Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL and VLDL.

CPT Codes

82465, 83701, 84478


