Flow Cytometry (FC)
Whole Blood
Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano
2-3 Day
0.5-5 mL Whole Blood
Lavender (EDTA)
Volumes below 1 mL should be submitted in a pediatric EDTA (lavender-top) tube.
Room Temp: 72 Hours; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Frozen: Unacceptable
Hemolysis; Lithium heparin (green-top) tube; ACD (yellow-top) tube; Clotted
5 mL Whole Blood
0.5 mL Whole Blood
ALL specimens for this test need to be packaged and submitted to Quest in a Hematopathology Specimen Transport box.
% CD3 (Mature T Cells), Absolute CD3+ Cells, % CD4, Absolute CD4+ Cells, % CD8, Absolute CD8+ Cells, CD4/CD8 Ratio, % CD19 (B Cells), Absolute CD19+ Cells and Absolute Lymphocytes.
86355, 86359, 86360