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Lab Test Dictionary

Malaria/Babesia/Other Blood Parasites (831)


Microscopic Examination with Giemsa stain


Filariasis; Babesia

Specimen Type

Whole Blood

Performing Lab

Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano

Epic ID

Other Reference Test

Lab Test Days


Standard TAT

2-4 Days

Collection Information

Specimen Required

1 mL Whole Blood

Container Type

Lavender (EDTA)

Collection Instructions

1-2 Thick and 1-2 thin air-dried blood smears in a slide holder are also acceptable. Blood samples are to be taken, and slides prepared when the patient presents with symptoms of malaria, and every 6 hours for 36 hours. Specimens obtained during the febrile state yield the greatest number of parasites in circulating blood. It is very important that at least one thick and one thin blood film smear must be submitted on two separate glass slides with one frosted end, in addition to the EDTA (lavender-top) tube. One slide should be smeared as is done with a differential exam and one slide should have a drop of blood dried in an area about the size of a dime. Note: Travel history (name of country and when visited) and anti-malarial agents should be noted.

Processing Information - Lab Use Only

Transport Temperature


Specimen Stability

Room Temp: 30 Days (24 Hours for Whole Blood); Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Frozen: Unacceptable

Rejection Criteria

Hemolysis; Clotted blood; Frozen blood; Age-deteriorated blood cells (EDTA blood older than 48 hours)

Test Volume Required

1 mL Whole Blood

Minimum Test Volume

1 mL Whole Blood

CPT Codes


