Liquid Chromatography, Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)
Urine, Timed Collection
Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano
3-4 Days
1.5-5 mL 24-Hour Urine
24-Hour Urine Container
It is preferred for the patient to be off medications for three days prior to collection. Patient should avoid tobacco, tea, coffee for three days prior to specimen collection. Common antihypertensives (diuretics, ACE inhibitiors, calcium channel blockers, alpha nad beta blockers) cause minimal or no interferance. Medications which are alpha agonists (Aldomet), alpha blockers (Dibenzyline) should be avoided 18-24 hours prior to specimen collection.
Room Temp: 7 Days; Refrigerated: 8 Days; Frozen: 30 Days
5 mL 24-Hour Urine
1.5 mL 24-Hour Urine
After urine collection, add 25 mL of 6N HCl to maintain a pH below 3. Urine without preservative is acceptable if pH is below 6 and the sample is shipped frozen. Indicate total volume and pH in comments, on specimen and on batch sheet.
Metanephrine, Normetanephrine and Total Metanephrines.