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Lab Test Dictionary

Movement Disorder, Autoimmune Evaluation, Serum (MDS2)




Ataxia; Chorea; Dyskinesias; Myoclonus; Parkinsonism; PERM; Stiff-man; Stiff-person

Specimen Type


Performing Lab

Mayo Medical Lab

Epic ID

Other Reference Test

Lab Test Days


Standard TAT

7-10 Days

Collection Information

Specimen Required

6-8 mL Blood

Container Type

Red Top (No Additive)

Collection Instructions

For optimal antibody detection, specimen collection is recommended prior to initiation of immunosuppressant medication. This test should not be requested in patients who have recently received radioisotopes, therapeutically or diagnostically, because of potential assay interference. The specific waiting period before specimen collection will depend on the isotope administered, the dose given, and the clearance rate in the individual patient. Specimens will be screened for radioactivity prior to analysis. Radioactive specimens received in the laboratory will be held 1 week and assayed if sufficiently decayed, or canceled if radioactivity remains.

Processing Information - Lab Use Only

Transport Temperature


Specimen Stability

Room Temp: 72 Hours; Refrigerated: 28 Days (Preferred); Frozen: 28 Days

Rejection Criteria

Gross hemolysis; Gross lipemia; Gross icterus

Test Volume Required

4 mL Serum

Minimum Test Volume

3 mL Serum

Processing Instructions

Order in Mayolink and send with Mayo courier Monday-Friday.

Included Tests

AChR Ganglionic Neuronal Ab, Amphiphysin Ab, Anti-Glial Nuclear Ab Type 1, Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Ab Type 1, Anti-Neuroonal Nuclear Ab Type 2, Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Ab Type 3, CASPR2-IgG CBA, CRMP-5-IgG, CRMP-5-IgG Western Blot, DPPX Ab IFA, GAD65 Ab Assay, LGI1-IgG CBA, mGluR1 Ab IFA, NMDA-R Ab CBA, N-Type Calcium Channel Ab, P/Q-Type Calcium Channel Ab, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Ab Type 1, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic b Type 2 and Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Ab Type Tr. Reflex Tests: Amphiphysin Wes


This is not genetic, does not require auth

CPT Codes

83519 (x3), 86255 (x14), 84182, 86341; 86255 (x4); 86256 (x5); 84182 (x2)


