Continous Monitoring Blood Culture System
AFB; Acid Fast Bacili; Mycobacteria; Mycobacterial. MTB; TB
Whole Blood or Bone Marrow
Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano
50-51 Days
1-5 mL Whole Blood or Bone Marrow collected in a BACTEC Myco F/Lytic aerobic blood bottle
Room Temp: 48 Hours; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Frozen: Unaccpetable
Specimens in EDTA (lavender-top) tube; Specimens in Heparin (green-top) tube; Specimens in citrate; ACD; or SPS (yellow-top) tube; Bactec plus anaerobic/f (silver lavel w/gray to; Bactec lytic/10 anaerobic/f (purple label and cap); Bactec peds bottle
5 mL Whole Blood or Bone Marrow
1 mL Whole Blood or Bone Marrow
Indicate source in comments, on specimen and batch sheet.