Continuous Monitoring Broth Culture System and Conventional Culture ; Microscopic Exam with Fluorochrome Stain
AFB; Acid Fast Bacili; Mycobacteria; Mycobacterial; MTB; TB, 92520, 92523
See Collection Instructions
Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano
50-51 Days
2-10 mL Body fluids or lower respiratory tract specimens; 2-10 Gastric lavage/aspirate; 1-2 mL CSF; 1-2 grams Fresh (unfixed) tissue; 20-40 mL Urine; 1 mL or 1 Swab wound, exudates, aspirates, lesion material, ocular specimens; or 1 gram or 1 mL Stool
Sterile Container
Swabs in Amies liquid, Amies gel swab, Stuarts or ESwab transport systems, ONLY if tissue biopsy or wound aspirate is not available; Samples in anaerobic transport medium, ONLY if it is an irreplaceable sample type; Throat/oral/sputum swabs from cystic fibrosis patients. Tissue and biopsy material: Sterile leak-proof container with small amount of saline, no fixative or preservative. Gastric lavage fluid: Sterile leak-proof container. Must be neutralized with sodium bicarbonate within 4 hours of collection. Expectorated sputum: Instruct patient to gargle with water and cough deeply. Three separate early morning collections on at least three consecutive days are recommended.
Room Temp: Unacceptable; Refrigerated: 5 Days; Frozen: Unacceptable
24 hour pooled urine or sputum; Dry swabs; Specimens received in alcohol, formalin, EDTA, lithium heparin or conventional blood culture bottles; Throat/oral/sputum swabs from non-cystic-fibrosis patients; Urine specimens in preservative; Specimens received in expired transport; Specimens that leaked during transit; Specimens broken in transit
Gastric lavage/aspirate: Must be neutralized (pH 6.5-7.5) with sodium bicarbonate within 4 hours of collection. Expectorated sputum: Three separate early morning collections on at least three consecutive days are recommended. Indicate source in comments, on specimen and on batch sheet.
87015, 87116, 87206; 87149; 87118; 87153; 87190