Neonatal Workup
Whole Blood
RCHSD Blood Bank
60 Minutes-2 Hours
45-60 Minutes
0.5 mL Whole Blood
Lavender (EDTA)
Patients with red cell antibodies require a minimum of 3 mL Whole Blood for initial workup, more specimen may be required to determine the antibody. Specimen must be double initialed by the collected nurse and a nurse that verifies the patient's identity against the order, specimen label and the patient's demographics. Cannot be shared with other lab work.
Specimens without a double initial on the label on the tube; Specimens collected in serum separator tubes; Specimens that are moderatley to grossly hemolyzed
0.5 mL Whole Blood
0.5 mL Whole Blood
Cannot be shared with other lab work. Deliver to Blood Bank.
ABO Typing, Rh Typing, Antibody Screen (Indirect Coombs), and IgG Direct Coombs
Test is only to be ordered and collected on patients <14 days of age in place of a Type and Screen and does not need to be ordered and recollected until the patient is > (greater than not less than) 4 months of age and/or discharged from the hospital.
86850, 86880, 86901