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Lab Test Dictionary

NGS Hematologic Malignancy Mutation Panel (MHEME)


Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)


MDS Somatic Mutation Panel

Specimen Type

Whole Blood or Bone Marrow

Performing Lab

UCSD Clinical Genomics (UCSD CALM)

Epic ID


Lab Test Days


Standard TAT

16 Days

Collection Information

Specimen Required

1-5 mL Whole Blood or 1-3 mL Bone Marrow

Container Type

EDTA (Lavender-Top) Tube

Collection Instructions

Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue (containing at least 20% tumor) is also acceptable.

Processing Information - Lab Use Only

Transport Temperature

Room Temp-OK/Refrigerate-OK

Specimen Stability

Room Temp: 3 Days; Refrigerated: 7 Days (Holding Samples Only); Frozen: Unacceptable (Indefinitely for extract DNA only)

Rejection Criteria

Severely clotted or grossly hemolyzed specimens; Specimens that have been improperly collected, stored, or transported; Specimens collected in preservatives other than EDTA; ACD tubes are accepted, but EDTA is preferred; Serum or plasma; Specimens that have been frozen; Commingled specimens; Specimens in tubes that have been damaged or broken during transport; Specimens with insufficient volume for testing; Unlabeled or mislabeled specimens

Test Volume Required

5 mL Whole Blood or 3 mL Bone Marrow

Minimum Test Volume

1 mL Whole Blood or Bone Marrow

Processing Instructions

Complete a UCSD Clinical Genomics requisition and submit with specimen room temp only to UCSD CALM Lab. If holding to send next day or after a weekend or holiday, store sample refrigerated and ship room temp.


Insurance authorization required prior to draw for Outpatients. MJ approval for inpatients.

CPT Codes



