Consultative Interp; Osmotic Lysis; Flow Cytometry; Consultant Review
Red Blood Cell Membrane Evaluation, Blood; Band 3; EMA (Eosin-5-maleimide) Binding; Osmotic Fragility; Hereditary spherocytosis; Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
Whole Blood
Mayo Medical Lab
Other Reference Test
4-7 Days
2-4 mL Whole Blood
Lavender (EDTA)
Collect Monday-Friday only between 0800-1300, no weekends or holidays. Immediately refrigerated specimen after collection. Submit a completed Mayo Metabolic Hematology Patient Info form with specimen to lab with sample.
Room Temp: Unacceptable; Refrigerated: 72 Hours; Frozen: Unacceptable
Gross hemolysis; Clotted
4 mL Whole Blood
2 mL Whole Blood
Immediately refrigerate specimens after collection. Collect 2-4 mL control specimen from a normal (healthy), unrelated, nonsmoking person at the same time as the patient in an EDTA (lavender-top) tube and label tube Normal Control. Have 2 well-made peripheral blood smears (wright stained or fixed in absolute methanol). Order in Mayolink. Ensure patient sample ***and *** control sample are labeled with the appropriate Mayo specimen labels. Submit completed Mayo Hematology Patient info form with specimens via Mayo courier Monday-Friday.
Band 3 Fluorescence Stain and Osmotic Fragility.
Insurance authorization is required prior to draw for Outpatients. Ok to send on Inpatients.
85557, 88184; 85060