Broth Amplified Immunoassay with culture reflex; Direct detection without amplification or culture
Quest Diagnostics Valencia
Other Reference Test
3-5 Days
1 g or 1 mL Stool
Cary-Blair Transport Medium
Collect in clean, dry container and then transfer a minimum of 1 gram or 1 mL into a Cary-Blair stool culture transport medium. Fluid level should reach line on vial. Frozen (-70° C) specimens are sub-optimal but can be tested directly without broth enhancement or reflex culture. Rectal swab in Amies or Cary-Blair stool culture transport medium, pure isolate on agar slant/tube/swab transport system or pure isolate in GN broth collected in a sterile, leak-proof container is also acceptable.
Room Temp: 4 Days; Refrigerated: 4 Days; Frozen: Unacceptable
Swabs not in Amies or Cary-Blair stool culture transport medium; Unpreserved raw stool at room temperature; Unpreserved raw refrigerated stool >2 hours old from time of collection; Frozen specimens in Cary-Blair stool culture transport medium; Specimens in Cary-Blair >4 days old; Frozen specimens that have been thawed and re-frozen; Dry swabs; Stool in diapers; Unlabeled specimens
1 g or 1 mL Stool
87427; 87046