Culture for Enteric Pathogens
RCHSD Microbiology
Upon Receipt
2 Days
1-2 grams of Stool
See Below
Submit fresh stool in sterile container within 2 hours of collection room temp. If delivery is delayed more than 2 hours, transfer fresh stool in AlphaTec (red-cap) vial (ETM) and submit to laboratory room temp within 96 hours of collection. Stool collected in Para-Pak C&S (orange-cap) medium; or Rectal swabs collected in a transport medium (Cary-Blair, Amies or Culturette); or Duodenal, colostomy, ileostomy contents fresh or in Cary-Blair transport medium is also acceptable. Do not contaminate with urine.
Room Temp: 2 Hours for Fresh Stool (96 Hours for Stool in AlphaTec/Para-Pak media)
Unpreserved stool samples >2 hours old; Dry rectal swabs or biopsy samples; Multiple specimens collected on the same day; Diapers; Hospitalized for more than 3 days
2 grams
1 gram
Refer to Microbiology processing manual.
Culture Screens for: Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, E. coli 0157, Entero-hemorrhagic Shiga Toxins, Aeromonas and Plesiomonas.