Whole Blood
Repeat Diagnostics
Other Reference Test
3 Weeks
5-10 mL Whole Blood
Lavender (EDTA)
Collect Monday-Wednesday 0800-1200 only. Physician must indicate reason for testing and sign Repeat Diagnostics requisition form.
Room Temp: 48 Hours; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Frozen: Unacceptable
10 mL Whole Blood
5 mL Whole Blood
Follow Repeat Diagnostics Specimen Shipping Procedure located in the requisition folder. Complete a Repeat Diagnostics requisition form and submit with specimen room temp. Physician must indicate reason for testing and sign requisition form prior to shipping. Specimen must be shipped same day as collection Monday-Wednesday only. Complete the Declaration of Biological Shipments form and complete 5 copies of the Commercial Invoice form to attached to the shipping form for the mailroom. Inform Repeat Diagnostics of shipment date and FedEx tracing number.
Total Lymphocytes, Granulocytes, B-Cells, T-Cells and NK Cells
Insurance authorization is required prior to draw for Outpatients. Ok to send on Inpatients.
88184, 88185 (x3)