What We Do
Our team of Food Navigators at Rady Children’s Hospital is here to provide families with assistance to enroll in federally funded programs (I.e. Cal Fresh, WIC), locating food banks near their homes and understanding available community resources.
Additionally, we offer a variety of free classes throughout the year to participating families. More info will be coming soon.
- Free of charge food Navigation services and education to Rady Children’s Families and patients needing food assistance.
- Services are offered in families preferred language and tailored to meet your families needs.
How We Can Help:
- Cal Fresh/WIC enrollment
- Locate Food Banks near you
- Identify Community Resources for food
- Food Resource information Packets: healthy eating, budgeting and other helpful topics for meal planning
- Free Cooking Classes
Click the link below to access our resources page with helpful links to help find food resources near you.
Get in touch with us via phone or email below with any questions you might have regarding food resources. We are here to help!
Phone: (858)-966-8468