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KidSTART offers a variety of services to help children and caregivers reach their fullest potential, including:

  • Developmental Treatment –  The KidSTART program offers an array of evidence-based developmental and mental health treatment. Interventions include individual speech, behavioral, occupational and physical therapy. KidSTART also offers developmental and behavioral classes such as Talking With Toddlers, the Zones sensory regulation class adapted for preschool-aged children, baby bonding-infant massage and a Speech and Motion class that simultaneously address a child’s communication and regulation needs.
  • Early Childhood Mental Health Treatment –  Individual, family and group therapy are offered. Psychiatry, rehabilitation services and case management might also be included in the treatment plan. Evidence-based and evidence-informed practices are utilized, focused on trauma-informed, infant and early childhood mental health.  All services are driven by the the client’s unqiue needs and are culturally and linguistically competent.
  • The Caregiver Wellness Program – This program addresses caregivers’ needs while their child is in treatment. Caregivers include biological parents, relative caregivers, foster parents, adoptive parents and anyone considered a significant attachment figure for the child. The program provides screening, needs assessments, linkage and caregiver therapeutic, educational and support groups.
  • Intensive Family Support – A KidSTART Care Coordinator partners with each family to make referrals and ensure that the child and family receive all necessary treatment by helping to overcome barriers to service.  This often includes facilitating the exchange of information between providers and regular contact with the family to encourage participating. For the highest-need families, care coordination may even involve attending appointments with a family and providing extra support to overcome practical barriers to service, such as transportation or housing needs.
  • Integrated team meetings – These meetings include providers (such as physicians, therapists and teachers), family members and others.