Important Update Regarding Immigration Enforcement Executive Orders | Actualización Importante sobre las Órdenes Ejecutivas de Aplicación de Inmigración — Read More

Choosing a Physician

Choosing your child’s physician is one of the most important decisions you will make. Rady Children’s suggests three simple steps to help you find the right doctor:

1. Choose a primary care physician (pediatrician or family practitioner).

2. Make sure your health plan and physician use Rady Children’s.

Even though your health plan may include Rady Children’s, it may be one of several options available to your doctor. When you choose a primary care physician, ask if the physician routinely refers to Rady Children’s and its pediatric specialists.

3. Become your child’s health expert with the help of Rady Children’s.

Let Rady Children’s be your health resource partner. From ear infections to more serious illnesses and injuries, Rady Children’s has everything your child needs, as well as a health referral phone line (800-788-9029) to guide you to:

  • Pediatricians and pediatric specialists uniquely trained to treat the changing needs of children and adolescents.
  • Medical offices conveniently located throughout the county.
  • Full range of services available through Rady Children’s.
  • Information about child health topics.

Parent’s Healthcare Checklist

When selecting a health insurance plan and primary care physician, use this handy checklist to ensure that you’ll have access to the full range of specialties and services of Rady Children’s. Ask these questions:

  • Is my child’s physician associated with Rady Children’s and does he or she routinely refer there?
  • Are there any restrictions on my doctor’s ability to refer to specialists associated with Rady Children’s?
  • Am I able to influence decisions regarding where my child receives specialty care and/or hospitalization?
  • If surgery is required, will the plan cover my child’s surgery at Rady Children’s?
  • Are emergency room or urgent care visits at Rady Children’s covered in my plan?
  • Are there well-child, mental health and rehabilitation programs on my plan, as well as coverage for catastrophic illness?

Telephone Triage Line

You may want to choose a pediatrician who subscribes to our Triage Telephone Line, a free service offered to families. Staffed by Rady Children’s pediatric nurses, the line serves as an after-hours service for doctors’ offices, with nurses answering parents’ questions, providing home care instructions, and making referrals for care according to each physician’s preference. More than 100 area pediatricians subscribe to this service.

Contact Us

Customer Service & Referral Center
Phone: 800-788-9029