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A to Z: Pneumonia, Mycoplasma

May also be called: Walking Pneumonia; Atypical Pneumonia

Mycoplasma pneumonia (also called walking pneumonia or atypical pneumonia) is a mild lung infection caused by a bacteria called mycoplasma.

More to Know

Mycoplasma pneumonia is a less serious form of the lung infection pneumonia, and causes cold-like symptoms in addition to a low-grade fever and a hacking cough. It spreads through contact with an infected person and can last 3–4 weeks.

Mycoplasma pneumonia usually develops gradually and is treated with antibiotics. Many people who have it feel well enough to participate in everyday activities.

Keep in Mind

Mycoplasma pneumonia is common in school-age and older kids. Occasionally it occurs in those younger than 5. Symptoms might include a bothersome and long-lasting cough (this is most common), fatigue, sore throat, hoarseness, low-grade fever, headache, loss of appetite, chest pain, and, less commonly, a bumpy red skin rash.

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