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Health Care Providers: Cardiologists

What Is Cardiology?

Cardiology (kar-dee-OL-uh-jee) is the medical specialty that diagnosis and treats diseases and problems of the cardiovascular system (the heart and blood vessels).

What Is a Cardiologist?

A cardiologist (kar-dee-OL-uh-jist) is a doctor who diagnoses and treats medical problems that affect the heart and blood vessels.

Why Would Someone Need One?

Cardiologists provide care for people with problems such as:

They do medical tests and procedures such as:

What Is Their Training?

Cardiologist training usually includes:

  • 4 years of pre-medical education at a college or university
  • 4 years of medical school — a medical degree (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) degree
  • 3 years of training in a pediatric residency program
  • 3 years of training in a pediatric cardiology fellowship. A “fellow” is a doctor who undergoes more specialty training after completing medical school and a residency.

They also might have:

  • expertise in a subspecialty area (for example, focusing on heart transplants)

Good to Know

Doctors who might refer a baby or child to see a cardiologist include: