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Week 37

Your Baby’s Development

By now, your baby has developed enough coordination to grasp with the fingers. Watch Your Baby GrowIf shown a bright light, your baby may turn toward it in your uterus.

He or she continues to gain weight — developing fat at the rate of half an ounce (14 grams) a day. In general, boys weigh more than girls at birth.

Your Body

After this week, you may lose the mucus plug that sealed off your uterus to protect it from infection. The mucus plug (which can be lost a few weeks, days, or hours before labor) can be clear, pink, yellowish, or tinged with blood (this is called “the bloody show”). As the cervix dilates in preparation for birth, the plug is discharged from the body. Be sure to speak with your health care provider about any discharge you have.


PREGNANCY CALENDAR: A week-by-week guide
  • Trimester 1
  • Trimester 2
  • Trimester 3