Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR); Fragment Analysis
Whole Blood
UCSD Clinical Genomics
5-7 Days
1-5 mL Whole Blood
Yellow (ACD), Soultion A
Collect Monday-Friday before 1200. It is not recommended to collect on weekends or holidays. IF WBC is low, must call UCSD Immunogenetics 858-657-5776 for an adequate draw amount. Whole blood collected in an EDTA (lavender-top) tube is also acceptable. RCH BMT Transplant Department must submit a completed UCSD Immunogenetics requisition with specimen to lab.
Room Temp: 3 Days; Refrigerated: 1 Week; Frozen: Unacceptable
5 mL Whole blood
1 mL Whole blood
Submit a completed UCSD Immunogenetics requisition with specimen room temp Monday-Friday before 1400. Deliver to UCSD the same day as collected. If specimen is received without a completed UCSD Immunogenetics requisition, contact RCH BMT Coordinators at x3676.