Heat inactivation, Fluorometric, Automated
B-N-Acetylglucosaminidase, Beta-N-Acetylglucosaminidase, GM2 Gangliosidosis, Hex A Deficiency, Hex B Deficiency, Hesoxaminidase B Deficiency, Hexosaminidase Total, Sandhoff Carrier Screening, Sandhoff Carrier Testing, Sandhoff Disease, Sandhoff Disease Carrier Screening, Tay Sachs Disease, Tay-Sachas Disease Testing
Mayo Medical Lab
Other Reference Test
8-15 Days
1-2mL of Blood
Red Top (No Additive)
This will need to be ordered along with MUGS - Hexosaminidase A, Serum
Gross icterus
1mL Blood
.5mL Blood
This will need to be ordered along with MUGS - Hexosaminidase A, Serum. Order in Mayolink and send with Mayo courier Monday-Friday.
83080 (2)