Children who have feeding problems can be very challenging for families. To help children develop age-appropriate feeding skills and behaviors, a special team was developed at Rady Children’s.
An evaluation is the first step in this process. Prior to scheduling your evaluation, you will be asked to complete a packet of information including a feeding history, developmental history, three-day diet history, list of conditions requiring treatment, and health information release form.
The team members who evaluate your child may include a physician or nurse practitioner, speech therapist, occupational therapist, developmental psychologist and dietitian. During the evaluation, this group of experts watches you and your child have a meal together from behind a one-way mirror. Team members may join you in the room and do further evaluation and give directions and suggestions. The evaluation generally takes about two hours. Before you leave, the team meets with you to discuss observations and recommendations.
The dietitian also assesses the growth and feeding history of the child. She evaluates the current oral or tube-feeding regimen as well and identifies potential areas for improvement so that the child receives optimal nutrition.