Important Information to Know During Our Campus Transformation — Read More

Rady Children's Specialists

Patient and Parent Education

Rady Children’s Neurology has created the resources, videos, and tools below specifically for our patients, their families, and other care providers. For general information about other neurological conditions, you can also visit the Rady Children’s Health Library.

Patient Resources

Children’s Books

View these helpful resources below for patients who are visiting our clinics within our Neurology department.

A Day at the Hospital

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Epilepsy Surgery

Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy


Mitochondrial Disorders

Neuromodulatory Devices for Epilepsy

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Sturge-Weber Syndrome

Tic Disorder and Tourette Syndrome

Tuberous Sclerosis

Why am I at the Hospital?


Information about Genetic Testing for Epilepsy

There are lots of reasons why someone may have seizures, and only sometimes the underlying cause may be genetic. Your neurologist may recommend genetic testing to see if there may be a genetic reason for your child’s seizures. This educational video will review the basics

Clinical Pathways Available to Guide Parents, Patients, and PCPs

Headache Clinical Pathway

Tic Clinical Pathway


Headache Podcasts