Important Update Regarding Immigration Enforcement Executive Orders | Actualización Importante sobre las Órdenes Ejecutivas de Aplicación de Inmigración — Read More


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How Do I Sign Up?

View the instructions below for enrolling in the various types of MyChart accounts depending on your need.

Teen Account

Patient is 12-17 years old. Because of state privacy laws, teens must have separate, PRIVATE access to their medical information.

Enrollment can only be done in person.


  • Parent/legal guardian and the teen will both have to sign a consent form
  • Teen account must use different email and cell phone than the proxy account
  • Parent/guardian photo ID

Key Points:

  • If a Teen Account is NOT set up, when the teen turns 18, all access to MyChart is lost. The patient will then have to set up an adult account.
  • If a Teen Account IS set up, when the teen turns 18, they will continue to have access to their MyChart account.
  • Parents/Guardians should also sign up for their own proxy MyChart account if they don’t already have one.
  • Teens can’t sign consents or complete EZ Arrival (precheck-in) in MyChart.
  • Teens can’t launch Telemed visits from their own MyChart account.

Sign Up Steps:

Proxy Account – Parent/Legal Guardian Access to Child/Teen Account

Patient is child/teen and parent/legal guardian wants access to medical information. 

Enrollment can be done in person or over the phone.


  • Photo ID
  • Proxy must be parent/legal guardian of the patient

Key Points:

  • Caregivers of patients who are unable to make medical decisions for themselves should make sure they discuss this with the staff member signing them up for MyChart so the correct account type is given.

Sign Up Steps:

  • In-Person – During your next visit, ask to sign-up for MyChart during check-in.
  • Over the phone – To sign up over the phone, call your Rady Children’s clinic and ask to sign-up for a proxy MyChart Account. Requirements for enrollment by phone include your Email address and a photo of your ID to send to the clinic as part of the enrollment process

Enrollment takes about 15 mins.

Foster Parent Access to Child/Teen Account

Patient is child/teen and foster parent wants access to medical information.

Enrollment process is started in-person and requires approval from your County Placement Worker.


  • Photo ID
  • Foster Parent Request for MyChart Proxy Access form
  • Additional documentation may be requested

Key Points:

  • Time limited access – 1 year (renewal requires re-approval)
  • Subject to approval by HIM and County Placement Worker

Sign Up Steps:

  • During your in-person visit, ask for the Foster Parent Request for MyChart Proxy Access form
  • Provide the form to your assigned County Placement Worker for approval
  • County will send approved form to HIM for processing
  • Once HIM has approved the request, HIM will contact you to complete the sign-up process
  • Call the Rady Children’s HIM department at 858-966-5904 for more information

Adult Account (patients 18 yrs or older)

Patient is 18 years or older and needs access to their own medical information.

Enrollment can be done in-person or over the phone


  • Photo ID

Key Points:

  • Proxy accounts are automatically deactivated when the patient turns 18 years old.

Sign Up Steps:

If you had an active Teen Account when you turn 18 there is nothing you need to do – your Teen account automatically converts to an Adult account.

  • In-Person – During your next visit, ask to sign-up for MyChart during check-in.
  • Over the phone – To sign up over the phone, call your Rady Children’s clinic and ask to sign-up for a proxy MyChart Account. Requirements for enrollment by phone include your Email address and a photo of your ID to send to the clinic as part of the enrollment process

Enrollment takes about 15 mins.

Designated Caregiver Access for Adult Account

Patient is 18 years or older and wants to grant access to their medical information to another adult.

Enrollment requires a consent form that can be downloaded and sent to HIM or completed in-person


  • Adult patient needs to sign the consent form
  • HIM must approve request
  • Access does not expire

Key Points:

  • Adult patients can choose to allow a parent or another adult to have access to their MyChart account

Sign Up Steps:

  • Fill out and sign the “Other Designated Caregiver and Adult Application for MyChart Proxy Access” form. Forms can be provided to you during a clinic visit or you can download them here: English | Spanish.  Return the consent form to HIM or your Rady Children’s Clinic.
  • Once HIM has approved the request, HIM will contact the applicant who requested access to complete the sign-up process