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Rady Children's Specialists

Emergency Center Alert

Ver en EspañolWe Have Many Ways to Care For Your Child! Let Us Help You Choose the Right One

San Diego County, including Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego, is experiencing an increased number of visits to its Emergency Care Center. To receive the best care possible, make sure you understand the types of health conditions we treat at each of our locations.

  1. Call your pediatrician for everyday things, like allergies, bug bites, colds, coughs and rashes. Many physicians offer evening or weekend hours, and some offer same-day video visits.
  2. Visit our Urgent Care locations for health needs that can’t wait until the next day, including diarrhea, ear infection, pink eye, mild rash and more. Two of our urgent cares are open for in-person visits (Mid-City and Oceanside).
  3. Visit the Emergency Care Center at Rady Children’s only if you are experiencing a true health emergency, including severe allergic reaction, trouble breathing, bleeding that won’t stop, broken bone, severe burn, seizure and more.

Can’t decide? Let us help you with our health guide outlining common childhood ailments and which location is best suited to care for your child. Learn more about what type of care your child needs.

Before heading out, check wait times for our Emergency Care Center and Urgent Care locations.

To learn more call 858-576-1700.