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Rady Children's Specialists

Research and Clinical Trials

Through our participation in the Neuroblastoma and Medulloblastoma Translational Research Consortium (NMRTC) and the Children’s Oncology Group (COG), the largest pediatric cancer cooperative group in the world, we offer multiple clinical trials.

Below is a list of open clinical trials. Please check the website often for new and closed studies.

NMTRC003 – A Phase II Preventative Trial of DFMO (eflornithine HCL) as a single angent in Patients with High-Risk Neuroblastoma in Remission

NMTRC004 – A Phase I/II Trial of TPI 287 in Patients with Refractory or Recurrent Neuroblastoma and Medulloblastoma (IND69,967 and 104,512)

NMTRC005 – A Randomized, Phase I/II trial of Irinotecan and Temozolomide compared to Irinotecan and Temozolomide in Combination with TPI 287 in Patients with Primary Refractory or Early Relapsed Neuroblastoma.

NMTRC006 – An Intermediate Expanded Use Trial of DFMO (eflornithine HCl) as a Single Agent

NMTRC008 – A Feasibility Trial Using Molecular-Guided Therapy for the Treatment of Patients with Relapsed and Refractory Childhood Cancer Version 2.0 (July, 2013)

Nifurtimox – A Phase II Trial of Nifurtimox for Refractory or Relapsed Neuroblastoma or Medulloblastoma (Protocol V0706)

(COG) ANBL12P1– Pilot Study Using Myeloablative Busulfan/Melphalan (BuMel) Consolidation Following Induction Chemotherapy for Patients with Newly Diagnosed High-Risk Neuroblastoma.

(NCI) ANBL0032– Phase III Randomized Study of Chimeric Antibody 14.18 (Ch14.18) in High Risk Neuroblastoma Following Myeloablative Therapy and Autologous Stem Cell Rescue

(COG) ANBL1221– A Phase II Randomized Trial of Irinotecan/Temozolomide with Temsirolimus (NSC# 683864, IND# 61010) or Chimeric 14.18 Antibody (ch14.18) (NSC# 623408, IND# 4308) in Children with Refractory, Relapsed or Progressive Neuroblastoma

ANBL00B1- Neuroblastoma Biology Studies: Companion to Therapeutic Protocols:

  1. (COG)

For a complete listing of open clinical trials that are available nationwide, visit