Health Alert: San Diego County is seeing record numbers of influenza cases this season, with more severe cases & rapid illness progression — Read More

Safe Kids San Diego


Read how Rady Children’s works to keep kids safe.

In 1992, Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego signed on as the lead agency for a local coalition of Safe Kids Worldwide to form Safe Kids San Diego. This organization is a grassroots coalition of parent champions, private citizens and organizations committed to unintentional injury.

The group convenes bi-monthly, on the third Thursday, to discuss injury trends, share resources, announce events, provide networking opportunities and plan community-based educational programs. A special guest speaker also presents on a topic of interest, and we spotlight a local community resource. Task forces have been formed to address the most prevalent injury areas, which include child passenger safety, drowning prevention, home safetysports & head injury prevention and pedestrian safety.

Report to the Community

Safe Kids San Diego and the Health and Human Services Agency of San Diego County collaborate to produce a “Report to The Community.” The report provides information on trends in unintentional death and injury in the county and compares this data to previous reports. See our most recent report.

To learn more about Safe Kids San Diego, contact Lorrie Lynn at or 858-576-1700, ext. 243547.

To learn more about Safe Kids Worldwide, visit